Part 6 - A Rainy Night

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That whole day I hoped I would see Harry, but he was nowhere to be found. After some time I gave up looking for him, sitting down in the common room to continue reading my book with Jinx.

It didn't go quite as planned, as other students seemed more interested in me after the duel, so they liked to come up to me and engage in small talk, even though I was only interested in finishing my book.

"Kaiye!" I heard Blaise's voice and had to tear my eyes off the pages yet again. He walked into the common room from the direction of his room, another guy, and Malfoy on his side.

"Congratulations on winning today, you really put Potter in his place," he nodded, going towards the main door as they were clearly on their way somewhere.

"Thanks," I smiled a small smile and went back to reading my book.

"Yeah, nice one newbie," I thought I heard Malfoy say and I had to look up at them again to see if I heard right. Maybe I did it a bit faster than I should've, but I only managed to catch a glimpse of the third guy laughing as they left the room.

Dinner time rolled around faster than I expected, but I just ended up feeling very drained. I hoped that I would get enough sleep afterwards, as I didn't want to be out of it for my first day of classes.

I ate my food in silence during dinner. When I was finished, I went outside, even though I knew that the Sun was going to be down in a couple of minutes and we weren't allowed to be outside after that. But I needed a break.

I went to the small hill that I've been to once when I talked to Harry and sat down.

I thought about my experience at Hogwarts so far and got myself on the verge of tears. It was like reality came crashing down on me - I didn't like my house or the people in it, my only friends were from a different house that I wasn't supposed to talk to, and I possibly ruined my friendship with one of those friends by doing what I did in that stupid duel. Not to mention that he was one of the most famous wizards of all time.

The only time I truly felt happy was either when I was with Hermione, Ron, and Harry, or when I was reading my book, and neither of those were very likely to happen for more than a few hours a day. Especially once the classes started.

But at the same time, I thought that maybe the classes would get me through this. That maybe I would be so caught up with them that time will just fly by much quicker than I expected it to...

"No," I thought. "That's not what I want to wish for in my life.

I don't want to hope that time will fly by because I feel sad, I want to enjoy every part of the life I have right now. At this school. "

Which was true. Not many people can say that they've studied at the best wizarding school, but I think that my life just changed so dramatically that I couldn't grab a hold of it.

"Hey, Kaiye?" a male voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I quickly rubbed my eyes, and when I turned around Harry was standing next to me.

"Can I join you?" he asked, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

"Sure," I smiled, sniffling. I was really glad to see him.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice much more serious all of a sudden.

I wanted to answer him, but nothing came out of my mouth.

"Kaiye, look at me."

I couldn't. I didn't want him to see the state I was in.

Before I could figure out some dumb excuse, I felt his hand touch my chin and gently pull it towards him. A small breeze of air passed by and faint warm smell filled my nostrils. Something a home would smell of.

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