Part 11 - The Dinner

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Once I finally woke up from my sleep it was already 6 pm.

I groggily got out of bed, making sure not to wake Jinx up, as she took a nap with me.
The reflection I saw in my mirror had me traumatized and I hoped that my makeup got messed up while I was sleeping in my dorm, not at the party.
Thinking about the party made me think about the little sleep incident with Harry, and I felt weird feelings in my stomach yet again.
The little "stop" whisper still lingered in my ear.

I took out my makeup remover cloth and started cleaning off the mess that was on my face, when I heard a knock on my window. It was an owl.
Jinx started meowing and I opened the window, allowing for the letters to come through.

The first one was from my family. They informed me that they somehow heard about the duel I was in and congratulated me on "beating" Harry Potter. I sighed.
Of course they somehow heard about that, and of course they weren't happy for me, but for the fact that "I beat Harry Potter".
Mom wrote that she hoped I was taking care of myself, and with another glance at the mirror, I was sure she would die if she saw me in the state I was at the time I was reading the letter.

I threw that letter on the other side of the table, making a mental note to deal with it later.
The second one was from Charles. My heart jumped at the sight of his name.

He told me about the new school year: how the classes got much more difficult, the people got much more boring, and the parties much more unappealing. He missed partying with me as much as I missed partying with him - we would always be there until the end of every party, and I remember everyone else envying us for how much fun we would have.

"He'd love wizard beer pong," I thought to myself, "And he'd be much better at it than I am..."

He said that he missed my parents and Jinx and that he was planning on visiting England as soon as it was possible. I assumed that he might come for winter break, as I couldn't have guests over at Hogwarts, and I couldn't go home earlier.
He told me about my friends and how every time they hung out they'd talk about me, wondering what I was doing and whether I had as much fun at Hogwarts as I did in France.

I barely got through the rest of the letter. Thinking about all of those things made me so sad, and I wasn't supposed to be feeling that bad after a great night.
But I missed Charles and my friends and my old school. I knew that it wouldn't be easy leaving all of them behind, but when I was focused on living my current life at Hogwarts, I knew that I never felt happier.
It was a strange mix of emotions - but one thing was sure - I wouldn't change my Hogwarts experience for the world.

I took a pen and answered him, writing about everything that I needed to fill him in on. I told him about all my friends, the classes, the copious amounts of homework. I told him how excited I was to see him and how much I missed him and my friends, but I also mentioned that none of them had to worry - I wanted them to have the best time even when I wasn't there, but I couldn't wait until we met up.
I told him about my first party at Hogwarts and the beer pong - how much he'd love it.
As I wrote about that night, I was reminded of what happened with Harry once again, but I didn't mention anything about it, even though it left a stinging feeling of guilt in my gut.

But why? 
I didn't do anything?

I quickly ended the letter and sent it back to him. I had to get out of my own thoughts before they started eating me alive.

I decided to take a quick shower and head down to dinner. Even though I had a headache and felt like going back to bed, I knew that I had to eat something.

As I was walking past one of the hallways I felt an arm grab me and I was pulled into the entrance of one of the bathrooms.

"Listen, Kaiye, I need to talk to you," Harry whispered, his face only inches away from mine, "Can you meet me on the hill after dinner?"

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