Part 16 - The Talk

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The morning after the big game I sat in class, barely able to keep my eyes open.
It was right after another one of my countless sleepless nights, but I tried my best to pay attention.
Only it was really hard.

My eyes kept wandering around the class looking for something that would catch my interest.
I could focus on Hermione -  who was scribbling notes on her paper, Ron - who was playing with some slimey thing under his desk, Harry - who was tapping his finger on the wooden surface, lost in his thoughts, Pike - who was carving something that resembled a penis onto the side of his desk, Zabini - who was picking on his nails, Crabbe and Goyle - who were sharing a bag of chips, probably under the illusion that no one could hear or notice them, Nott - who was rolling a small piece of paper, Malfoy - who was nervously tapping his foot while reading some sort of a note.

I sighed. So many different sounds filled the classroom, yet all of them managed to annoy me rather than make me stay awake. Not only that, but the sky was so dark on that particular day, one could've mistaken it for a night sky instead of a morning one.

As I continued looking around the room, I noticed Harry push up his glasses further up his note and rip out a small piece of paper. Making sure Snape hadn't noticed him, he started writing something down. He seemed hesitant, crossing and changing his words every few seconds. After filling most of the small piece of paper, he scraped it and tore off another one.

I tore my gaze away from him, switching my focus back to Malfoy who looked really concerned with something. What could he be reading? The paper he was holding was definitely not something someone passed him along in class, if anything, it looked more like some sort of a formal letter.

He read the words over and over, his eyes flying across the whole thing, only to start at the top once again. The way he tapped his foot made me wonder what was something Draco Malfoy could possibly be worrying about. He didn't seem like the type that would get shaken up easily.

I narrowed my eyes, trying my best to make sense of some of the words on the paper, but without any luck. 

Then, all of a sudden, I felt something hit me in my arm. And again, and again, and again.
At the same time I turned around to see what was happening, I felt a shadow over me.

"Now what do we have here?" I heard Snape say, grabbing something out of the air - probably the same thing that was hitting my arm.

"I said this a hundred times, but I'll say it again - there will be no passing of notes in my class!" he shouted, opening the small piece of paper that was in his hand.
Everyone in the class was looking at me, Crabbe and Goyle quickly hiding their food under the table.
As I looked around the room I saw Harry look uneasy. Could it be...?

"Hah," Snape huffed, "How cute Potter," he turned to look at him as I felt my face grow hotter, "I'm glad you're taking interest in my students, but please rest assured they don't want anything from you. Am I right miss Dionis?"

Snape turned his head around sharply to look at me, but I was at a loss of words. He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head, as if he was thinking about something.

"Ten points will be deducted from Gryffindor. Next time I see this, it will be fifty."

He went back to his desk and sat down, taking one of the papers from a big pile that stood next to him. After correcting something on it, he sent the papers flying across the room to every student. The corrected one flew to me.

"Here are your long-awaited assignments. You already know the rules and the deadline. If anyone fails to deliver their work in time, you will automatically fail this class."

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