Roll Credits

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Word count: 1072


"Is there a problem here?" Lucas's presence wasn't all that threatening, but it made the atmosphere awkward to say the least. Obviously, the two studio men didn't know exactly how they wanted to handle it, but the more brazen of the two jumped in before Y/N had the chance.

"No, no problem. She was just leaving, so we can get back to recording the-"

"No!" She argued, glaring at the man, the anger twitching in his eyes doing nothing to deter her. "There is a problem." If these idiots wouldn't listen to her, maybe the singer himself would. She wasn't nearly as starstruck as someone might have expected in meeting their idol. This was just her job, and she was going to defend her work, even if it cost her some face.

"Uh... okay?" Lucas asked, laughing with a short-lived smile. "What's the issue?"

"I wrote that song." She said bluntly. She had been expected a look of guilt or apology to cross his face, but instead it flooded with confusion. Even in seeing him on promotional material and videos, she was unfamiliar with the sheer lack of knowledge that was boasted in his gaze. His eyebrows tightened slightly as the corners of his mouth widened, as if he were racking his brain for an answer to her proclamation

"You... you did?"

"Yes. I wrote it for SuperM, but I was completely uninformed that it would be put in use. Not only that, but I didn't sign the release, or speak to the company about having different producers handle it."

"You know that's not how this works-" One of the other producers started. "You don't get to throw a hissy fit just because-"

"How long have you had it?" Y/N asked Lucas, completely ignoring the men to her side.


"The song. When did they first send it to you?"

"Uh..." He looked up innocently, clearly trying to recall. "I think... maybe a week ago?" A week ago. So they listened to her song, probably once, and just decided to pass it on to SuperM, no questions asked? She didn't know whether to be proud or furious, but she was leaning towards the latter.

"Are you sure it's your song?" Lucas asked curiously, unwittingly fueling her annoyance.

"What do you mean? I think I'd know my own writing."

"It's just that, I'm pretty sure Taeyong mentioned that he was working on it. He's the one that gave it to us, after all. We were all super hyped, but-"

"Excuse me?!" Now she was completely and utterly irate. Not only did the company take her music without her knowledge or secondary consent, but then an idol had the nerve to pretend it was theirs? She wasn't personally familiar with Taeyong- or any of them for that matter- but it was not turning out to be a good association. She had half a mind to ask Lucas where to find him, or for his contact information, or hell, she'd go off on the whole group.

Actually, on second thought, she didn't have half a mind to do it. She had a whole mind.

"Lucas. I think I need to have a little conversation with Taeyong."

"I don't know if-"

"Where would I find him?"

"I... he lives in the dorms. He sometimes sleeps in the studio, though, so there's no guarantee that-"

"Can you get me in contact with him?"

"I... I don't think I'm supposed to just hand out contact information..."

"What, you think I'm gonna sell it or something?" The idea that he thought she was untrustworthy was obnoxious, but understandable. He didn't even know her, after all. She tended to forget that no matter how close a fan may feel to a celebrity, the relationship isn't mutual. Still, she needed to speak to Taeyong for business reason, not some sick fan-tasy.

"N-No! I didn't say that! He just- I-" Trying to stutter his way out of her attacks, he finally sighed. "Look, I'll call him for you, okay?" She leaned back on one foot, saying nothing, holding her hand out as if to gesture for him to do so at that specific moment. He looked incredulous at first, but he didn't want to continue to cross her. Heaven knew it wouldn't end well for him...

Pulling out his phone, she watched as his larger hands slid over the sleek case, struggling slightly to scroll through his contacts. Seeing his eyes focus as he located it, he pressed on it gently, holding the appliance up to his ear as he made brief eye contact with her. Waiting as it rang a few times, his demeanor shifted, face lighting up with that fake-phone-happiness. she didn't doubt that he was content to speak to his friend, but the situation was rather irregular. Not only that, but at this point, the producers had basically snuck out, leaving her and Lucas isolated in the booth.

"Hey, Taeyong!" A pause. "Yeah, yeah, everything is good, where are you at right now?" Another little bit of silence as he waited for the response. "Oh, nice! If you're almost done, could you drop by the company? Oh, you- oh, perfect! We'll meet you in the studios, then?" Saying goodbye very briefly, Lucas pulled the device from his cheek, looking down to hang up.

"Okay, he was just finishing up with a meeting for his personal music, but he's on his way back to the building anyway. We can meet him in whichever mixing studio he's working in." She wanted to speak to him as soon as possible, but she supposed she didn't have much room to complain. She had basically verbally attacked an idol, forced him to put her in contact with another idol, all because she wanted to chew him out for stealing her work. It didn't exactly look all that great for her, but she was so worked up over the whole situation, she didn't even care.

They thankfully only had to wait a few painfully silent minutes. She had considered trying to start up a conversation with Lucas, but he was clearly invested in something on his phone. Whether that was genuine fascination or simply an avoidance of her fiery impression, she wasn't completely sure. As soon as his phone buzzed, though, he looked eager to go.

"He just checked in, he sent me the room number. Let's go."

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