Message in a Bottle

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Word count: 1082


Who is this?

She texted back. While she knew it had been a pretty active day for new phone numbers, this couldn't be Lucas or Taeyong. Unless one of them had gone through all the trouble to text from a different phone- she didn't doubt that they had multiple. Why not, if you're rich? When she didn't receive an immediate response, she took the extra minute to register Taeyong's contact in her phone. While she had laughed at the prospect earlier, people selling off these numbers was actually a concern. Thankfully, she wasn't a scumbag.

Just as she hit the small blue 'done' button, another text came through from the unknown number. Clicking on it and watching the pages shift, she read it curiously.

Come on, Y/N, really? It's me haha

Rolling her eyes, she moved to type back. It was obviously someone who thought she knew of them, not to mention that they knew her name. She saw no harm.

Hi, me. How can I help you?


I'm serious, I actually have no idea who you are

Mannnn it's Mark- like, Mark Lee? Rap legend?

Is that what's on your company business cards?

You know it.

How did you get my number?

Took it off Taeyong's phone. When I came back he was the only one there, so I just slid in and grabbed it.

Head tilting slightly, she tried to figure out how he'd done that... Taeyong had given her his number, and she hadn't texted him yet. Therefore, her number wouldn't have been in Taeyong's phone. She debated calling him out on that little fact, but she chose to let it go. Maybe it had been a mistake and he had gotten it from Lucas. Regardless, if he was lying on purpose, there must have been a reason, but she found no interest in pushing it.


Yeah, so anyway- save my number!! We have stuff to talk about!!!!!!

Uh, that's the second time you've said that, and you still have yet to tell me what we need to talk about.

Good point, good point.


Oh! Right, I think I've found a way for you to produce our album

Her mood shifted slightly, although she couldn't even be certain of herself in which direction. How had he managed that? It didn't make sense, idols didn't direct the company, it was the other way around. If anything, he would have been given a hard no and a slap on the wrist for even bringing it up. Not only that, but she thought they had been clear on the fact that everyone had gone home. Had he called someone after hours just to push this agenda? She didn't even know how to respond.

Really?? That doesn't make sense- I have so many questions.

Yeah, I know, that's why we gotta talk! If I send you an address, can you come?

Looking to the clock, she noted that it was already almost eight in the evening. She was tired from a day of working, plus the unprecedented events that had appeared in her path were still reeling in her mind.

I don't know, man, it's late. I haven't even eaten yet.

If I promise you dinner, can you come? I reeeeally wanna talk about it. It can be somewhere nice!!

It had been a while since she'd eaten out, at least at a reputable establishment. Still, she didn't necessarily have an insane amount of free money to just go spending. Not only that, but if they went somewhere nice, it would mean she'd have to actually get herself dressed in a presentable outfit. Sensing her deliberation, he texted again.

It doesn't need to be fancy, just nice- you can wear whatever you were wearing at the office. It's on me, promise!!

Finally conceding, she decided to accept. If he was so adamant about meeting up with her, maybe it really was good news. Again, she wasn't really sure how he would have done it, but she was intrigued to find out. Putting the address into her phone, she realized it wasn't all too far from her work building. However, she had been expecting a restaurant. Instead, it turned out to be a residency. Was this Mark's house? She wasn't sure, but she had been under the impression that he lived in the dorms... It wouldn't be uncommon to have another residency, but something felt off. Still, she didn't have a reason to argue. It wasn't like he was going to kidnap her.

Looking in the mirror over her dresser, she scrunched her nose up at the outfit. While it wasn't awful, it was just... normal. Not only that, but it was slightly crinkly and definitely worn from a whole day working. She felt bad showing up disheveled, even if only a bit. Pulling a clean top out, she touched up her face, washed her hands, and double checked to make sure her hair was how she liked it.

Walking out of her place of residence, she set on her way to the address. Once she had arrived near the location, she realized that it was a much bigger, wealthier building than she had expected. She had always seen Mark as a more down-to-earth person, but then again, she hadn't known him personally until just... well, a few hours ago. Maybe he actually appreciated the finer things in life more than she knew? She could ask him about it later. For now, she found herself at a brisk walk, subconsciously trying to arrive speedily.

Once she had arrived at the door of the address, (more than a few floors up, she might add- further adding to her suspicion of the price of this residence), she realized that Mark, too was standing out in front of the door. It was a crisp hallway with bright lights, evidently clean, and he was leaning against the wall, scrolling through his phone.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked as she approached, causing his gaze to flit upwards. "What are you doing out here?"

"Oh, I wanted to wait for you before we knocked so we could go in together."

"This... isn't your place?" She asked. Laughing, he shook his head.

"Nah, I'm not rich enough for this. Or prissy. Anyway, come on-" Before she got the chance to ask whose house it was, he knocked promptly. After a few seconds, she heard the slide of the metal deadbolt. The door cracked open...

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