
951 26 11

Word count: 1095


"You're kidding!" Mark yelled at the top of his lungs, amusing the rest of the group. "He's been here the whole time?!"

"Yeah, I guess so." Y/N laughed, taking a bite of the sandwich in front of her.

"Obviously you didn't care about him that much if you couldn't remember him." Taeyong said under his breath, shoveling a bite of his own food into his mouth. Lucas elbowed him in the side, obviously used to this kind of comment. It made her wonder how often he was making them- and what she had done to offend him.

"Anyway, things are going well." She said with a smile. "The complete mixing deadline isn't for another..." She trailed off as she watched their eyes move from her up to the area behind her. Turning to try and look over her shoulder, she asked, "What are you guys looking-"

She was cut off by her own sights. Standing behind her was, once again, the CEO. She hadn't seen him since the day he sat in on her recording session. While the rest of the boys were slow to stand, she scrambled to her feet, bowing quickly.

"Hello, sir. What can we assist you with?" He held out his hands, indicating that they were free to take a seat.

"No need for all the trouble, I just need to speak with Miss Y/N. Would you mind coming with me?" She felt her chest lurch in nervousness as he said this, the men looking between each other as if trying to figure out what she may have done. Swallowing, she nodded, following him as he turned to walk out of the room.

They went to the elevator in silence, rising to his office (for which he had to hold up a keycard). When they entered, he directed her to his desk, offering her a seat across from the significantly larger office chair. Sitting as politely as possible and crossing her legs, she looked down at the surface, a bit afraid to make eye contact with him.

"Y/N, we've been very pleased with the work you've put forth so far." He started, pulling a paper out from one of his desk drawers.

"Thank you, sir. I've been trying very hard."

"So I've been told." He said, smiling, causing her to raise her head in confidence a bit. "I've been keeping a close eye on SuperM, as well as receiving reports from Taemin, and it seems you've been performing fantastically." Picking up the papers and tapping them against the desk so that they were straight, he continued, "Unfortunately, we can't allow you to complete the entire album, as you're not signed as a producer."

Hearing this, her heart felt a pang of disappointment. Of course, she'd known she wouldn't be given the album, the chances had been so slim to begin with. Still, in spending so much time with them, the joy of discovering Ten as her old friend, the guidance that Taemin had offered, as well as Mark's friendship- it had all been giving her an overarching sense of false hope. She supposed it had to come crashing down at some point.

"That is, unless you'd like to sign on." Her head shot up, looking for any sign of sarcasm. Of course he wasn't lying, he was the CEO- was this a dream? Was she hallucinating? "It would void your current contract, of course, and it would be riskier based on how well you do, but we're willing to-"

"I'd be happy to sign on." She said, trying to contain her smile. This is what she had come here to do, what Ten had helped her apply here to do. Now she finally had the opportunity to fulfill her potential, to make the guys proud, to do the things she had actually aspired to do.

"Perfect." He smiled, pushing the papers forward. "We have a lot to read through, then, so let's get started."

When they had finished the paperwork, almost an hour had passed, and she was becoming stiff. She didn't mind, though- while her expectations had risen, so had her salary, and this meant they might let her finish the SuperM album. She was told by the CEO that they'd talk assignment details later, and she thanked him profusely before leaving. As she walked out into the fresh air and sunlight, she pulled her phone out.

Surprisingly, there were no texts on the group chat. However, she had several private texts. The first was from Mark, who had simply requested she fill him in after. Second was a message from Ten, encouraging her that she would be okay. Finally, there was a message from Taemin, more curt then Mark's, asking what had happened. Clicking into that chat, she typed:

Y/N: He asked me to re-sign as a producer with the company!

It only took him a few seconds to respond- had he been waiting for the message?

Taemin: That's great! Congratulations! What all are your responsibilities?

Taemin: Will they let you finish the album?

Y/N: There's a LOT but it's gonna be super awesome

Taemin: You can always come over if you wanna tell me about it- do you remember where I live?

She thought about it for a minute. He was inviting her over- She had grown much, much closer to Taemin in the last two weeks, spending countless hours with him, even if some of them were in silence. It would be nice to finally get some privacy with him so that she could really see how he was. She was sure she had gotten a sense of it in the booth, but something was bubbling in her to go further.

Y/N: Yeah, that'd be great! I'm coming from the office, be there in a few!

Taemin: I can pick you up if you want

Y/N: I'll be fine, no worries

As she'd promised, it didn't take her long to get there, walking and taking the elevator up to his floor. Knocking on his door, he opened it with a smile on his face, holding out his arms in offering of a hug.

"Congratulations!" He said again, smiling ear to ear and leaning forward. As she wrapped her arms around him, she found herself moving towards his face, looking at the grace of his features. Without a moment to think about it, she pressed her lips against him, feeling the sharp breath on her face as he gasped against her skin. Within seconds, he pulled away, staring in awe.

The Beat to my Stolen Heart (a SuperM x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now