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Word count: 1100


Everyone in the room began laughing, aside from Mark. One would think with all his experience, he would know why his suggestion was so outlandish (despite his age). Even Y/N, who would obviously love to do so, knew it was impossible. The company did what the company wanted. If she was going to be the producer for this album, (which was almost unheard of to begin with- no one usually gets to do a whole album, they generally worked on a song-by-song basis) then they would have just made her the producer. She was condemned from the moment they stole her song.

"That's impossible, Mark." Taeyong mentioned, clicking around in his document again.

"Why? You guys are all so obsessed with the red tape, we should just insist."

"And get fired." Lucas muttered under his breath.

"If you think they're gonna fire us, you're crazy too." Taeyong continued, reprimanding both of them for their lack of knowledge on the topic. "Look, if they wanted Y/N to produce, she'd be producing." He reaffirmed her previous thoughts. "No offense, but I didn't even know who she was like, three seconds ago. Even if her skill was somehow out of the ordinary, they'd never debut a producer by having them do an entire album. It's out of the question."

"Yeah, but this song is really good-" Mark countered. "And I'm sure the rest are too. Y/N, have you done any other?" He asked, putting her on the spot.

"I- uh, I mean, yeah, but-"

"For SuperM specifically?"


"Our vibe, I mean."

"Well, yeah, I guess-"

"Then it's settled." Mark clapped his hands once. "She'll produce the album."

"You can't just decide that-" Taeyong was to the point of practically begging him to just shut up, but he was on a roll now.

"If you guys don't want to help, that's fine. I bet you're just mad that she wrote a better rap line than you." Taeyong's eyes narrowed.

"Wow, okay, that's not-"

"Anyway, I'll figure it out." Mark basically walked over him. "In fact, I might go talk to them right now." He began to walk out of the room.

"The work day is over." Lucas reminded him. Turning in the other direction, Mark amended in the same tone,

"I am going to go practice right now and do that tomorrow." Y/N and Taeyong had the same, surrendered look on their faces, although she was still hopeful. Taeyong knew it wasn't possible, and he honestly didn't have much interest in fighting a losing battle. It wasn't that he disliked her, but there wasn't much to be done.

"I'm sorry about the song, but I can't really, you know... give it back."

"...Yeah." She didn't really have much option. Yelling at him wouldn't fix it, no matter the attitude she had before.

"If it makes you feel better, they ditch my solo shit all the time. if you ever wanna work in here, you can."

"I... I mean, I already do."

"Oh... sorry, I've just never seen you down here before." She'd crossed paths with him a few times, but it made sense that he'd never notice. On the nicer side, he was probably just busy. Or pretentious. "Anyway, if you ever want me to like, check out your stuff, just let me know. You can like, text me or whatever."

"You just give out your phone number?" She asked skeptically, partially using the comment as a way to remind him that she had no means of contacting her.

"I mean, are you gonna sell it?"

"I didn't plan on it."

"Well, then-" Looking around, he asked, "Do you have a sheet of paper?" Nodding, she reached for the desk drawer, knowing that there was generally a pad of sticky notes or a loose receipt in the common rooms. "Actually, just give me your arm." Before she even responded, he grabbed her arm, putting the cold, sticky tip of a black marker to her inner forearm. Looking at the clean handwriting, her nose crinkled.

"There was definitely paper in the desk."

"Well, now you won't lose it."

"I could have just typed it into my phone right here."

"Do you want me to take it back?" He warned jokingly.

"How?" She laughed. "Are you gonna cut my arm off? That's like, Sharpie-"

"Just get out!" He laughed. "I wanna finish mixing this!"

"Here," Lucas offered, opening the door for her. "Maybe we can go talk. I can give you my phone number as well." In all of her banter with Taeyong, she had almost forgotten that he was in the room.

"I mean, you're always welcome to stay and help with the song if you want." Taeyong completely changed his stance. Why offer to have her stay now?

"No, we don't want to bother you." Lucas reassured him. "We'll get out of your hair." Opening the door a bit wider, he allowed Y/N to walk out, an action she felt almost pressured to take. Striding down the hallway, Lucas was quick to jump on his previous offer.

"Here, give me your phone, I'll put my number in." Surprise, she stuttered in agreement, unlocking it and opening up a new contacts page. "Alright, I texted myself so I have your number, but you can text or called whenever." He smiled, handing it back to her. "Are you in a rush?" He asked.

"I, uh... I mean, not particularly, but I should probably go home eventually. It's getting kind of late, and I have some stuff to finish up. I've been trying to get a song through, but uh... I guess technically I have. I might take a break." This seemed to concern him just slightly.

"Y/N, you shouldn't give up. I'm sorry about the new track, but-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I should be grateful that they like it at all, I get it." Turning towards the entrance, he walked after her.

"That's not what I meant, I just..."

"It's fine, man." She pretended to laugh awkwardly. "I'm gonna go get some rest. I'll see you around, maybe?" Without waiting for a response, she left him in the building.

Once she had made it home, she pulled out her phone again, breathing out a sigh of relief at her solitutde. Looking down at it, though, she saw that she had a text. The number didn't match the one inked into her arm, and Lucas's name was already entered... So who could it be? Opening the app, she glanced it over.

Hey- we need to talk, ASAP!!

The Beat to my Stolen Heart (a SuperM x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now