Track 6

953 33 3

Word count: 1121


Two weeks didn't seem like a long time to Y/N. She was more than stressed trying to get all the tracks done. At first, they thought she had basically finished that night, but the boys quickly realized that she was a perfectionist when it came to her music. Every edit made them sound better and better, and she refused to stop until they were perfect.

She got into a routine, coming in to either record with the band or work on her own. They'd all go out for lunch together, then come back to the office. Then, she'd stay, usually until midnight, sometimes later. A lot of times, Taemin would sit in on her, not really saying anything, but watching as she did her work. At first, it was awkward and she felt scared to do anything, but eventually she learned to just ignore it. He never told her she was doing anything wrong, just came in and out as he pleased. By the start of the second week, he was asking her what certain stuff did or what effects she was using.

It gradually turned from him just being curious to actively messing with the equipment. He admitted that he didn't really pay much attention to the recording process when he started with SHINee, as he had plenty of time to goof around with his friends. At one point, she even let him put on a pair of headphones and listen to funny effects on his voice in real time.

As the start date for choreography grew nearer, she decided to get serious with him. While she was glad that he had finally loosened up and didn't want to risk that, she really did need his help. Coughing as he rode out a laughing fit, she spun her chair to face him. Looking over him, she took in his beat up jeans, the sneakers, the loose shirt and the comfortable smile on his face.

"Hey, uh, Taemin?"

"Yeah?" He looked a bit concerned, but continued to twiddle with the buttons on the board.

"Would you mind staying here late to record some vocals with me?" Eyes narrowing slightly, his tongue passed over his bottom lip in thought.

"I thought we were done recording for the day. Don't you need everyone? I did my solo lines."

"It's not that, I..." She breathed in. "We're supposed to choreograph my new track tomorrow, and we haven't done any vocals. The recording sessions and dance meetings didn't line up, which I know is my fault for not planning properly, but it'll be hard to create a dance if they don't know the words. I did a version myself, but... I'd really be more comfortable if you could just do it for now?"

"I... I mean, I'm more of a dancer, it might be better if you had Baekhyun do it-"

"Please?" She asked. "I don't really feel comfortable asking him, and I know you've already done a lot for me, but I'd really appreciate it." Pausing for a moment, she added, "And I like your voice." He looked into her eyes, trying to call her bluff, get her to back down, but she held contact. Sighing, he agreed.

"Yeah, alright. Let me hear it." Reluctantly handing him the headphones, he slipped them on, watching the monitor for the notes as he lightly mouthed along with the words. She watched intently, but it was almost like the first time he'd listened to her music- there was no emotion on his face. He was incredible at control.

"Wow." He said when it finished, pulling them off.

"Yeah, I know it's not the best, I'm sorry, it's a long story, I-"

"No, I... It's beautiful, I really like it."

"Y-you-" She stuttered, surprised. He'd never actually said anything good about her songs before. "You do?"

"Yeah, I... It's kind of comforting, but strong. I see what you're going for."

"So, you'll sing it?" He smiled with a nod. "Of course, let's get started."

As she watched him sing, she found herself obsessed with his methods, the little things he did while he wasn't paying attention. His eyes closed on notes he really enjoyed, he smiled at parts with embarrassingly cute words, he brushed the hair out of his face every time it fell onto the lightly curved bridge of his nose.

It didn't take all that long, since it wasn't a final take. She just needed him as a placeholder. It turned the piece from less of a dance song into more of an upbeat ballad, but she didn't mind. Even unprepared, he sang beautifully, and it was more than adequate to start choreographing. Still, when they finished, it was just shy of 9PM. He came back into the side of the booth with the equipment, sitting on the other chair with his legs slightly angled.

"Thanks for all the help." She said, leaning over. "You just saved me a ton of trouble."

"Maybe you'll actually get some sleep tonight." He commented jokingly. Laughing awkwardly, she broke eye contact.

"Haha, what are you talking about-"

"Don't play dumb," he laughed again, "I know you're here until like, one."

"B-but-" she didn't know what to say, "How? You always leave after dinner at the latest- the only reason you stayed today was to help me out."

"Does it matter? I'm right."


"Come on, I'll take you home again." He stood, now able to help her turn off all the equipment.

"Will you help choreograph tomorrow?" She asked, trying to change the subject.

"Well, it's a little uncustomary the way we're doing things, so probably. Generally I'd let Ten have the first go, but since it'll be his first time hearing the song, and I'm pretty familiar now, I might be some help. It'll just really be to get some ideas, we won't do anything final yet."

"Oh... okay." It made her feel a little better to know that he'd be there. She wanted to ask about Taeyong, as she hadn't talked to him at all in the past two weeks aside from directives during recording sessions. It wasn't that she didn't want to, he just seemed... distant for some reason. He'd occasionally see her talking to Taemin or watch as Mark got all in her face about his newest exasperated story, but every time he just scoffed or rolled his eyes, walking off. Still, she hadn't even gotten a chance to ask the man himself about it, so she thought it would be rude to explain to Taemin what was going on.

"Let's go." Taemin said with a small smile, opening the door for her and turning off the light as she walked out. 

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