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Word count: 1061


The room broke out into chaos. Aside from the CEO and his few planning associates, everyone was up and shouting at each other. Not even Mark was able to help calm everyone down, as he was yelling and objecting as well.

"How could he do this?"

"What did you say to him?"

"Is this because of Y/N?"

"We can't perform without him?"

"What about all of his lines?"

"He doesn't know what he's talking about!"

"Make him come back under contract!'

"Why wouldn't he come talk to us?"

"Could all of you sit down for a minute?" Se Min demanded. "We still have detail to work out with him. I will obviously do everything in my power to convince him to stay with the group. His contract does not terminate for another three years, but I have no ability to force him to sing or dance well. It's too much of a risk to demand he be active if he doesn't want to. Of course we have the ability to sue him. All of these are problems that do not involve you. I need everyone to let it go and get back to the problem at hand."

"This is my fault." Y/N said under her breath. "I need to fix this." Standing up quickly, she said, "I need to be excused, my apologies sir." Before he could object, she bowed quickly, running out the door and down the hall. Frantically pulling out her phone, she texted Ten.

Y/N: Can you send me Taeyong's address?

Ten: Let me come with you

Y/N: No, this is my fault, I'll handle it

Y/N: Send it

Ten: Let me check his location first, he may not even be home

She waited for the address to come through, hands shaking as she ran down the front steps of the building. She had nowhere else to go until he sent her the location. The phone buzzed, and her eyes lit up, already preparing to put it into the GPS. It wasn't from Ten, though.

Baekhyun: Remember how he feels, okay? You may only get one shot at this

She breathed in, chest tightening. He was right. She could not screw up this time, she had to stop being selfish and just suck it up.

Ten: Alright, he's home. Here:

She copied and pasted the address into her GPS app, directions obscured by the new text that came through.

Taemin: Do you need a ride? We can all come down if you want

She hadn't talked to Taemin since that morning. Reminding herself of what she'd just told herself to do, she mustered up the courage to respond properly.

Y/N: No, I need to handle this. You and I need to talk later, though

Taemin: 10-4, good luck

She tore down the street to the building where he lived, not at all far from the company. Running up the stairs to his dorm number, she beat her hand on the door. Impatiently, she only waited a few seconds before doing it again.

"Taeyong!" She heard some movement inside, but no answer. Grabbing the handle, she tried to just walk in, but it was locked. "Taeyong, open up!" She was still beating on the door, hoping that no other idols were in the adjacent rooms.

"What part of get out don't you understand?" He called from inside.

"I'm serious, open the door! We need to talk!"

"No we don't, we said everything we had to."

"How could you quit?" She demanded, kicking the door in anger. "You think you're sticking it to me? You think I'll learn my lesson if you hurt everyone? I'm sorry, Taeyong, I said I was sorry, I'm saying it again! You're not just hurting me, all your friends are out there having a freaking heart attack because you left them!" He said nothing as she continued hitting the door every few words.

"I'll leave the company if you come back to the group, please," She begged. "SuperM isn't anything without you, you know that! That's why I don't understand how you could do this to us! To them!"

"I don't want you to quit," he growled, "That's why I did it, it's better for everyone, they obviously don't need whatever I'm trying to add."

"That is such bull, and you know it!" She yelled, still desperately trying to grip at the handle. "Who's going to help Lucas with his rap lines? You're just gonna leave that to Mark? And you know Taemin and Ten are too perfectionist to make up the cool choreography you do. And what's a SuperM concert without GTA? Without your music? It's not the same, so don't even flatter yourself by acting like you can do whatever you want!" He wasn't saying anything.

"I'm sorry for not understanding what you were going through, and for yelling at you, and for treating you badly."


"No! It's not fine! Like you said, I was stupid, and I'm sorry! We can have some real fun finishing this album. We have a concert scheduled, everyone's excited!"

"They're not gonna want me back after this."

"They are. They do! They wanted to come over right now, I told them no-"


"Because," she sighed, "Because you deserved an apology from me, without feeling like they forced me to do this. So I'm sorry. For everything." There was a long pause as she waited for his response. She was no longer resorting to taking out her anger on the doorframe, but she was still stiff with anxiety.

"I'm sorry too." He finally admitted, voice muffled by the surface between them. "For being... well, stupid." Laughing and wiping the tears from her face, she said,

"Well, this is awkward. Not really sure how we work this out."


"Maybe we just start over, yeah?"

"I mean, things are always simpler without Mark involved." Her eyes shut as she laughed, the last few remaining drops falling from her eyelashes as she heard the creak of the door open. When she looked again, he was standing in front of her, eyes red, but not nearly as wet as hers. She almost giggled at the sight, lifting her hands to try and clear her own face. Holding out a hand, she said,

"Nice to meet you. My name is Y/N."

The Beat to my Stolen Heart (a SuperM x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now