
794 26 15

Word count: 1057

Chapter warning: Mild language


Knocking on the studio door, she could see the fluffy top of Taeyong's hair through the window. The first time she hit the surface he didn't notice, so she did it again, a bit louder. This time, he looked over, leaning up from his chair to see who was there through the glass. Realizing that it was her, he sat back down, not even bothering to accept or deny her request. Lip twitching, she opened the door anyway, walking in and shutting it behind her.

"Hey." She said. He kept staring at the screen, headphones on. Coughing, she said it again, "Hey." Still nothing. Breathing out through her nose, she stepped forward angrily, ripping the device from his head, nearly catching it in his hair in the process.

"What the hell, woman?" He demanded, standing up and spinning around to face her, immediately on the defensive.

"What is your problem?" She asked, unwilling to put up with this back-and-forth fake polite nonsense anymore. "I really liked you when we first met, after we started talking. You were working on the SuperM album, your solo content, all sorts of stuff. You were nice, and happy, and accepting-"

"Are you serious right now?"

"Look, if it'd because I accused you of taking the song, it was just a misunderstanding, I said I was sorry!"

"You think that's what this is about?" He spat, clearly growing angrier. "You're really more stupid than you look."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me!" He slammed his hand down on the desk. "You know, it's one thing to be such a mythic bitch all the time, but it's a complete other to not even recognize it. I'm not sure if you're incredibly rude, or just that oblivious!"

"I'm telling you I'll apologize if you just let me know what I did."

"The fact that you don't even know makes it worth nothing, though!" He put a hand to his head. "You just show up, and what? They make you a producer, give you our album, suddenly everyone's in love with you- in more ways than one! It's ridiculous!" He sat back down aggressively, if that were possible. "I've been working for years to try and get my songs through. I work tirelessly for this company, and the second some random little girl with a few tracks shows up, everyone makes it their God-damned priority to make her famous?

You don't know anything. You know nothing about business, about the industry, about performing, you just get to show up, do what you love, and go home being proud of yourself. Some of us are stuck here! Some of us have to do things we hate just for the hope of maybe getting one little glimmer of hope. Don't act like you're some prodigy just because Mark liked your rap better than mine, or Taemin wanted to help you out." Pausing for just a second, he laughed.

"I bet that's the only reason you're here, too. You're running out of friends really quickly, Y/N. Now that Taemin hasn't worked out, you need to come crawling back and hedge your bets, yeah?"

"Y-you-" she didn't know what to say. "What are you talking about?" Scoffing, he rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Y/N, don't think I haven't heard about your little move. I can't believe you. It hasn't even been a month, you really think people can just fall in love that quickly? Statistically, most guys take three months just to say 'I love you' to someone they're already dating." How did he know about that? Ten wouldn't have had time to tell him, unless he went out to his way to call, which somehow she found implausible. That was the only person she'd told, so that meant...

"He told you about that?" She asked incredulously, already increasingly mortified.

"Why shouldn't he have? We've at least known each other for, you know, any extended amount of time at all." He pointed out. "He needed advice."

"And what did you tell him?" She seethed, fists clenching at her side against her own will.

"None of your business. But just between you and me, I don't like you very much."

"Well no shit."

"Get out."


"I said get out. Of my studio, of my band, of anything, it's up to you, just get out."

"We need to talk about this!" She argued. "We can't go on just being angry, it's not going to help!"

"I don't care if this shit works anymore!" He practically shrieked. "I liked you, Y/N, I really did, and even when I started to get annoyed, I tried so hard to stay nice, to give you the benefit of the doubt. You crawling all over Taemin was just the last straw, so don't act like this came out of nowhere! Now I said get out!" Unwilling to listen to his screaming anymore, she flung herself out of the door, shutting it behind her, leaning against it and sliding down onto the floor. Putting her head to her knees, she tried to keep from crying.

How much whiplash could she possibly go through in the span of one day? She had been signed, made a fool of herself in front of Taemin, Ten consoled her, made her feel better, she made a fool of herself again, this time in front of Taeyong, who couldn't seem to let go of whatever superficial nonsense was making him angry. It was a mess. Not only that, but she was still in charge of completing the album. With both Taemin and Taeyong being more problematic, would it even be possible.

"Oh, hi Y/N, I was just looking for you! Ten said you might be around here if you weren't in the dance studio. Why are you sitting on the floor?" She recognized the cheery tone of his voice, looking up to see him standing over her. Mark was holding his phone in his hand, smiled dropping as he saw her face.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"W-what did you need-" she asked, trying to get him to ignore it.

"I was just coming to tell you we got a concert date set, I didn't want you to find out over text." He said, squatting so that he was at her level. "What happened?" 

The Beat to my Stolen Heart (a SuperM x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now