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Word count: 1216


"Oh my God." Taemin said, hands moving to hold her by the elbows. The corners of her mouth turned up just slightly.

"Yeah." He must have been surprised, but it was a spur-of-the-moment decision. She couldn't say she immediately regretted it- it had actually been nice, all the time they had spent together culminating into something.

"Oh my God." He said again. Her face fell as she realized that it wasn't a good 'Oh my God'- he was panicking. "You don't-" he started to stutter, backing up from her and pushing her away slightly. "I didn't- what made you think- oh no."

"W-wait, what?" She sputtered, blood starting to pool in her face, heating it up. "I- I thought-"

"What made you think that?" He asked, running a hand through his hair stressfully. "I didn't mean- I just, I don't- I don't wanna seem rude, I- What made you think that I... and you, we..."

"I- I don't know, I-" she was starting to hyperventilate a bit. "Y-you helped talk to the CEO without even having heard my music, you- you stayed with me, and drove me home, and shared my coffee, and helped me with my s-song, and- a- and-"

"You're reading into this a lot-" he had taken another step back. "I was just trying to be nice, you were going through a lot, you're a good producer, I stand by that, but this? This-" He gestured forward with a slightly shaky hand. "T-that's not what I meant."

"Oh, no..." She put her hands over her face. Now she had done it. How was she supposed to move on from this? "I- I should go-" She turned around, trying to escape this awful, horrible situation she had created.

"Wait! You don't have to leave, it's not-" he began to stay.

"No, you don't need to pretend to be nice-" she reassured him. "I'll be fine." She ran down the hall as he stepped out the door after her.

"Y/N, wait!" He shouted, but she was already far ahead, trying to keep herself from having a breakdown in the middle of the lobby. Tears desperately trying to escape her eyes, she thought about where she could go. She could go back home, but then she'd just sit in her room and cry. Kai didn't know her very well and he was already close friends with Taemin, so that was a hard no. Close second was Baekhyun, who would also definitely be at the office, but similar problems arose. Not only that, he had trouble taking things seriously sometimes, and he'd probably find the situation funny.

Taeyong was meant to be mixing in the studio, but she had been on thin ice lately- he would have to be a last resort. She didn't know where Lucas or Mark were, and obviously Taemin was the problem at hand. That left Ten... where would he be? Pulling up the schedule on her phone, she saw that he had booked the dance studio. She started running back towards the office, silently praying that he would be alone.

Running into the building, quickly swiping her key card, she headed downstairs to the practice rooms, searching for the one Ten had scheduled. Throwing the door open, her eyes searched desperately. He was on the left side, and the room was silent aside from his steps, the squeak of his sneakers against the floor. She realized that he was dancing with headphones in, although she couldn't tell to what- it wasn't her original song, but that was all she could say. She stood there, a few tears still drying on her face, not sure if she wanted to interrupt him. As he made a large turn, though, he caught her eye, quickly pulling the headphones out.

"Hey, Y/N! What's-" Noticing the disdain on her face, his brows furrowed, mouth shifting. "What happened, is something wrong?" As he said this, it all came crashing down on her again, and she couldn't help herself from completely breaking out into tears. She started crying hysterically, causing Ten to run over and quickly put an arm around her, trying to calm her down.

"Shh, it's okay, just let it out-" He kept making meaningless comforting noises as he escorted her to take a seat on the floor against the wall. It was the best he could do considering that there were no seats in the room at the moment. "Do you want to tell me what's the matter?" She tried to say something, words coming out through gasps and hiccups. She knew she must look awful, but she didn't really have the capacity to care, rubbing her eyes aggressively every few seconds.

Explaining what had happened, his gaze softened, apology rising in his nonverbal language. He let her lean on his shoulder as she threw herself into another crying fit just thinking about it again.

"Oh, honey, it'll be okay."

"No it won't! What am I supposed to do, Ten? I've wrecked everything. How can I ever work with him? He won't be comfortable even being in the same room with me again. He's gonna think I'm weird!"

"Y/N, you're not the first girl that's randomly tried to kiss him. If anything, you got lucky that you actually made it. You can't be worse from that one girl we saw in Montreal. Or there was this one in Atlanta that-"

"This is different, though!" She sobbed. "He trusted me to be around him, and I just assumed- I'm so stupid, looking back he really was just being nice. Now he'll never be nice to me again."

"You have nothing to worry about. You were so excited a few minutes ago, don't let this ruin it for you. Before long, this will all be some funny story we tell at interviews." Sniffing and rubbing her nose, she asked,

"You really think so?"

"I know so. Now let's go find you some tissues, yeah?" Helping her to her feet, they walked to the family bathroom, propping the door open so she could blow her nose and wipe her face in the mirror. As she was finishing up, his phone buzzed. Looking to her to make sure she was okay, he pulled it out, holding it to his ear.

"Yeah? Uh-huh? Okay, I'll be up in a minute." Hanging up, he addressed her. "I need to go talk to someone- are you gonna be okay?" He asked. She nodded.

"Yeah... thank you. For everything." She said, laughing awkwardly. "I'm sorry you have to deal with this."

"If you need anything else, just call me, okay?" He offered, smiling before he walked away from the door. Looking in the mirror, she breathed in deeply, finally feeling a bit calm. She had a few options now. She could go home, she could work on her projects, or...

Taeyong. She hadn't figured out what she'd done to offend him. Would he even want to talk to her? He'd been treating her so strangely since this all started, it was honestly up to chance. Still, she owed to to him and herself to try. Putting a brave face on, she shut the bathroom door behind her, making her way to the studios.

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