New Job

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Word count: 1045


Stretching as she watched the early morning sunlight filter through the blinds, Y/N yawned, grabbing her phone. It was a bad habit, but she always checked it just as she woke up. On most days, she would even come close to being late just because she sat on it for so long. Opening it, she saw a few more messages, but they were mostly just the boys messing with each other, so she merely skimmed them before actually getting up.

It didn't take long for her to get ready, as she was used to her work look by now. Thankfully, there wasn't a strict dress code, either, so there were no issues with the clothing. Once she was satisfied with her appearance and collected her personal belongings, she headed out towards the office.

Once she arrived, she had heard nothing from Mark or the others, so she went to go do her normal job. As she placed her belongings down, her boss walked over to her, clearly having been waiting for her to arrive.

"Hey, Y/N, morning!" They said, setting a few papers down at her desk.

"Good morning, what's up?" She asked, setting up as usual.

"Not much for you today, actually. Since you finished all your paperwork yesterday, they're having you mix a few tracks, just to see how they turn out." A grin spread across her face. Days like this were her favorite- alone in the studio, just chilling with her music and her thoughts? Yes, please. Picking up the file excitedly, she flipped through it, reading the headers.

"They're all code names, of course, but if they like your mixing enough they might let one through." They said with a tinge of promise. "Don't get your hopes up, though, it's just an experiment."

"I just like doing it," she reassured them with a smile. As she reached the last page, she looked up in confusion.

"There's a blank sheet in here. Do you need this back?" She offered. This caused their smile to grow.

"Actually, they want you to mix a song on your own. The company knows you have a few, and it seems they've taken a slight interest in you."

"Rookie work?" She asked apprehensively. It wouldn't be the first time she'd been directed to try and find a style for a new group, but they all fell through.

"Apparently, you were recommended by a member of a group that's already debuted. They want to see what you have to offer specifically." There was no way... did Mark actually manage to get her in?

"O-oh!" She said with surprise. Patting her lightly on the back, they turned to walk away, offering one last blessing.

"Work hard! I know you'll do great!" Smiling ear to ear, she gathered up her belongings again, running to go get her favorite studio. She made quick work of booting up the monitors, getting her gear running, and plugging in some of her personal audio accessories. Opening her programs, she jammed a flash drive into the side of the computer, pulling up some tracks. She wasn't sure which one she wanted to pick for her blank sheet, though... She had one chance to impress the company, and she couldn't give it up.

As she was about to pull her headphones on and get into mixing, she heard heavy footsteps coming down the hallway. They weren't heavy in the sense that it was a large person, though, more so that someone was running at full speed down the echoing halls. Morbidly curious, she watched through the window of the door as someone rocketed past, a dark brown and blue blur. Suddenly, their sneakers squealed on the tile as they came to a halt. Coming back, they swung open the door harshly, surprising her. Looking at the tall figure, she realized it was Lucas.

"Yes! I knew I'd find you first!"

"I- what?" She asked, confused to no end.

"Taeyong said that-"

"Dammit!" She heard a slightly higher voice from behind him. "That wasn't fair, you're taller than me!"

"By three inches, stop being a baby. I found her, I win, end of story."

"Mind filling me in?"

"Oh, Mark asked us to find you." Taeyong said, still slightly out of breath. "So we raced."

"You... could have just texted me." Pausing, both of them looked to each other.

"Yeah, I guess that would have been easier." Lucas muttered. "Still, we found you. Come on!"

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"You're coming to our practice room so we can talk!" Shaking her head with a laugh, she pointed to her papers.

"Sorry, boys, I have to do my job first. Maybe I'll catch you after."

"What job?" Taeyong argued. "I thought you only mixed tracks for fun."

"Actually," She glared slightly at him. "I'm mixing a few tracks so they can try out my style. I even get to put my own in. So, I'll need to be doing that. Mark can come here if he really needs to talk that badly. You know the room number." They both looked surprised as she slid her headphones back on, clicking into a track to listen to what was available. As they tried to catch her attention again, she simply pointed to her covered ears and then waved them off.

"You know, for someone who wants to be our producer, she's a bit ungrateful." Taeyong muttered as Lucas shrugged.

"We should probably just go, we know which room she's in, we can just tell Mark."

"You really want Mark to be alone with her?"

"Why not?" He laughed. "He's not scary, he couldn't take her in a fight if he wanted to."

"That's not- you know what? Nevermind. Let's just go." Walking out of the room, they left her to her own devices. As she listened through the tracks, her spirits only grew. Out of the five they gave her (aside from the blank one) two of them were actually hers, both intended for SuperM. She wasn't sure if they had done this on purpose, but she wasn't about to complain. She began trying to get a feel for the newer ones, nodding her head with the music, until she felt a light touch on her shoulder. 

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