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Levi POV
My name is levi.

Just levi.

Im 14.

When I was four my mother died and I never had any other.

Well not until now.

I was put I was put into care after that.

The people who put me into a home, said that the foster family were good people.

They lied. They were terrible.

They got drank all day, and all night.

They hit me.

They didn't have a job so I had to leave school and get one.

And that was at a rather young age.

Because I was so young when I got a job it was a horrible job that I don't want too talk.

'I never want too talk about it.'

I never learnt how too read or write.

When I used too not get enough money too pay the bills.

The man of there family.

He used to grab me and burn me with his cigarette.

And other times he would chuck me out on the streets until I got the right money.

That was hard since I looked like a homeless person most days out on the street.

One day when I was thrown out. I wasn't going back

I couldn't go through all that pain again. Over, and over again.

But I also realised my life is pain. What did I ever do wrong to deserve this.

None of this would have happened if my mum never got knocked up, by some guy who was too scared too take care of us.

So that day I took a knife from that hell hole im meant to call home. And I ran to the forest.

I took the knife out, while I was deep in the forest. I saw my reflection in the knife.

Why was that my reflection, why did that have to be the last thing I've seen.

Before I done something stupid, and weak.

I took the blade.

And from my eye to the end of my face I sliced down.

Maybe, just maybe that was enough.

I thought that would be enough too kill me.

But it wasn't.

I woke up in the hospital.

And realised I made the biggest mistake of my life, and that mistake had Consequences.

Apparently a dog walker found me if I wasn't taken too the ambulance sooner I would have been dead.

"Mr actually I don't know your last name Levi. you have had some major surgery and have got life changing scars we couldn't do anything else and we couldn't find any family of yours. . . but some people have come here claiming to be your family." a nurse said


Could it have been my adopted family.

No they wouldn't of cared if I was dead, or not.

Three people came in.

I didn't recognise them.

"There is some mistake I've never seen these people in my life." I said.

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now