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Erens POV
When I went home I was alone

My dad must have another patient

I barely spend time with him because of his patients

After my mum died he spent extra hours at work

And he gets back at like midnight

I love my dad it's just he never has time for me

I made my dinner and played some video games

Then I was just bored

So I decided to take my skateboard out and go to the skating park

I was then just on my skateboard

I'm not a great skater

But I'm self taught

"Eren" I heard someone call out

I looked behind me

It was mikasa the girl from school

She has a skateboard too

"Oh hi mikasa" I said

"Sorry to interrupt you with whatever your doing but do you want too hang out some shits happening at home and I just had to leave" she said

"Oh it's fine I didn't know you skated" I said

"Yeah I do sort of I'm trying to learn levi taught me a thing or two so now I'm practicing" she said

"Wait levi skates" I said

He doesn't seem like that kind of a person

He seems kind of like a geek an ass as well though

"He used too before I met him that was until you know what that doesn't matter I asked him to teach me" she said

Back before she met him there siblings though right

I shouldn't question it though

"So what are you doing down here" she said

"Home alone dads got a patient" I said

She looked at me and laughed

"What" I said

"Nothing" she said

We started walking and chatting

"So has Levi warmed up too you yet" she said.

"I'm not entirely sure I asked him if he wanted to go too the library and then he said another time"

She looked at me shocked

"He told you another time oh my god finally" she said


"He made a friend he's never done that well not since I've known him he just hates people like everyone apart from me and my parents" she said

"Why's that" I said

She stayed silent

"He doesn't like the way people look at him your different though" she then said

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now