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Eren POV
Mikasa came round everyday

Her and Levi were talking little by little

But today this guy came

He was tall

He wore a long jacket

And a hat

He was real tall

"Eren this is Levi and mine uncle kenny" mikasa said

Why is everyone in Levi's family tall and then there's Levi

"Nice to meet you" I said putting my hand out for him to shake

"Tch-" he said

He didn't shake my hand so I put it down awkwardly

I invited them in and made us all tea

Levi finally came down

He looked annoyed and confused

"Tch- what are you doing here" he said to kenny

"I don't know shorty your sister invited me" he said

Levi rolled his eyes

I looked at mikasa she looked awkward

"They don't like each other" she said

"Why" I said to her

"I'll tell you why" kenny said

"Here we go again can't you just accept that I am your blood" Levi said

"No nephew of mine can be like you" kenny stated.

"What does he mean" I said to mikasa

"Kenny here doesn't believe I can be his blood the way I am" Levi said

"How so"

"Just look at him his skin to the bone his short when was the last you ate boy" kenny said

That is true when was the last time

"Uncle please-" mikasa pleaded

"No mikasa he's to broken and sad to be an Ackerman he may look like you mikasa but he'll never be one of us" kenny said

Before we knew it levi was gone

"How dare you" I said

Both looked at me

"Levi has been through so much you probably wouldn't even know" I said

"He's right uncle no kid should go through that much death" mikasa said

Kenny rolled his eyes

"Get out" I said

"Tch-" He said

He walked out the door

"Things like this is why I wish I never came back" mikasa said

"Don't say that Levi need you" I said

She smiled and nodded

"Does he because you seem to be doing a much better job than I could" she said

"Your his sister of course he does that's why you should never have left" I said

She nodded

She walked off trying to find Levi

Mikasa POV
I went upstairs to look for Levi

He was in his and erens room crying

"This reminds me of something" I said

He looked at me wiping his eyes

"Me leaving" I then said

"You left because of me you should've stayed then you wouldn't be in this situation" Levi said

"If I stayed I would be doing the same thing I've been doing while I'm gone" I said

He looked confused

"I was so worried I haven't left you on your own since you had that one conversation with hange a few years ago and I didn't want you getting hurt again so I came back" I said

He came up to me

He hugged me

Wow it's been a while

I hugged back.

This is pure waffle

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now