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So I wanted to make this chapter to be a special one so that you lot can no that I don't hate on hange

She's actually one of my favourites levi is my fav fav though

Anyway enjoy

Hange POV
I'm hange Zoe

I don't think a lot of you readers are bothered about my life

Your just bothered about how I ended up how I am now

The person I am now is the person I hate.

I'm a two faced bully

The only thing that is the same is I'm still as mad as crazy as I once was

The story of how this happened is ...

I was walking around my new neighbourhood

I moved to New York a few days ago

I've not met anyone my age yet

I mean it's summer so I haven't gone to school yet

My new school

I woke up and immediately started to experiment on different substances

I love science I have no friends so I just experiment

"Hange get out of your room for once go out to the shops or whatever" my mum shouted

She's so annoying

"Fine" I said

I packed all my stuff so there wouldn't be an explosion

And then I got some money

And I headed out

I was walking around the streets god it was pact

It wasn't like my old home

When I was walking around I seemed to of gotten lost

It was a dodgy empty path way

I was getting scared now

A small boy suddenly ran passed me

He made me jump

He stopped and stared at me

He had these steely grey eyes and black raven hair

He was running

A bunch of weird looking people were running after him

They looked rough

They stopped right in front of me

"Have you seen a brat who's short and running" they said to me

I was terrified

"Who's asking" I said

"His father and his gang" one of the guys said

He looked like the most trouble

I felt worried for this boy

So I lied

"He's that way" I said

I pointed to the wrong direction

They started running

They had knives in there hands

"If he doesn't apologise and give the stuff back he's getting this" i presumable father said

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now