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Eren POV
After that day

Levi was never the same

He never talked

He barely concentrate when I was trying to teach him to read

He got bullied more and more since mikasa wasn't there to protect him

And he barely eats I don't think I've seen him eat since she left

He just seemed numb.

He couldn't handle this pain

His whole family has died the only family He had left just left to go to Canada

And I honestly don't know if I can help him

He was in the bed and I was next to him

My dad still didn't get him a bed

And my dads never around

And I'm not sure if we're a thing right now

He never talks anymore

He was looking up to the ceiling

I looked at him

We both got changed into clothes and then went down stairs

I heard the doorbell ring

I went and answered it

Before I did I heard the most beautiful thing

That I haven't heard in a few weeks since mikasa

"Where are the cups" I heard a cold but sweet voice say

I looked at him

And then where I could see the cups

"The top shelf" I said happily

I knew he wouldn't be able to reach it

He got a chair and climbed

He still couldn't reach

I opened the door and there stood a tearful armin

"Armin hey" I said

I was shocked what's he doing here

"I'm sorry to barge in like this but" he started crying

"Hey what's wrong" I said

"It's just I miss her so much" he cried

He can't do this here levi is already depressed enough about it

I went outside the door and closed the door

"It's ok I miss her to but it won't be forever" I said

I put my hand on his shoulder

He blushed

I hope he isn't getting the wrong impression

Suddenly his face got close to mine

And our lips were touching


I heard the door swing open

And then I heard footsteps running away

I looked to see Levi running upstairs

I pushed armin away

"What the hell armin I no you miss her but don't think I'm just a toy you can play with" I slapped him

I shut the door in his face and ran upstairs

Levi POV
I couldn't reach the cups even with the chair

That fucking tall ass

I needed help

So I opened the front door where eren was

And to my shock

Eren and armin

Were kissing

I felt tear threatening my eyes

I didn't want anyone especially not armin to see me cry

So I ran upstairs to me and erens room

He lied

He lied to me

I heard someone get slapped

And I heard eren run upstairs to me

I saw his lying face

"Levi" he said

I went up to him

"You lied" I said to him

"What no I-"

I started slapping his chest

"Why did you do that I love you and you told me you'd never leave me you promised your the only reason I'm alive right now you know that if it wasn't for you I would have killed myself" I cried

He grabbed my wrists to stop me from slapping

He put my head to his chest and held it

I wasn't bothering to struggle

"Why would you do that to me" I cried

He made me look at him

I looked away

But he made my chin look at him

"Never say that again you idiot he kissed me I didn't kiss him I love you I'd never do that you've been avoiding me I didn't think you'd care so much" he said

He didn't kiss him

Usually I wouldn't believe anyone

But I believed him

I buried my face in his chest

"I'm sorry" I cried

"You have nothing to be sorry for it was my fault I should've let him kiss me" he said

"No I'm sorry for avoiding you" I said

He hugged me tighter and stroked my hair

Erens POV
He would be dead if it wasn't for me


I promised him I wouldn't leave him

Maybe he's promised himself he wouldn't leave me

Two chapters in one day I'm on a roll


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