23 the ending

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Levi POV
Today is mikasa first day back at school

I'm really happy she's back

She is supportive of me and eren together which is good

And for once in my life I'm happy

I can't remember the last time I felt like that

We all walked to the bus stop together like the good old days

Erwin came up to me

"Hey what's up scar- mikasa" he said


"Do you wanna finish that sentence erwin or do you still want to be with me" mikasa said

Erwin walked away

Me and eren stood

While mikasa went up to armin

"You've changed you know" eren said

"How so" I said

"When I first met you you hated everyone and everything" he said

"Who says I still don't"

"No one it's just you have an amazing boyfriend if I do say so myself a home and a sister who cares for you" he said

"Oof your right" I said

"Oof and Oof your not a dick anymore"

"I was never a dick" I said

"Oh yes you were"

"Fine maybe a bit but you we're weird going up to me asking when I clearly said to clear off to sit at the lunch table" I said

"Well aren't you happy I'm not like the rest of these people now"

I rolled my eyes

"I love you levi" he said.

"I love you too brat"

The end

Hi guys so I feel like some are annoyed at me for ending the story

I just thought that they fell in love that was my main idea so yeah that's it

If you want to read another ereri story that's similar to this read my other story smile

It's a little different well a lot but I think if you liked this you'd like that

So bye guys thanks for reading

Love all

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now