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Mikasa POV
So levi has finally made a friend

Even though he's not admitting it

That day I spent the rest of the evening with eren

We were skating and then we went to the shops and bought a bunch of junk food.

I bought some stuff for levi he'd be annoyed with me if I didn't

I got some reeses for him

It's his favourite

Who the hell likes peanut butter and chocolate

Me that's who

"You are so smart for liking reeses" eren said too me

"What no I hate reeses but Levi loves them he rarely eats but when I buy these he can't resist" I said

Oh shit why did I say that

He does eat but sometimes he refuses too

"Anyway I better get home now levi and my parents will be waiting for me see you tomorrow at school" I said

He smiled at me

"Yeah see you" he said

He left

And I started to walk home

I walked inside

I guess my parents were asleep but I saw a small teenager on the sofa in the dark

Hugging his knees and sobbing

I sat next to him on the sofa and hugged the sobbing boy

He probably had a nightmare again

It's not the first time something like this has happened

It happens most nights

I passed him the reeses

He took it and ate it not a doubt he wouldn't

Time skips sponsored by erwins eyebrows

I woke up after my deep slumber

I came downstairs too see the family sitting there

"So levi how was your session with doctor jeager" my mum said

He looked at her

And then looked away

We all ate in silent

"It was fine" he then said

I smiled

"Mikasa I need you too stay home today from school is that ok" my mum said

I nodded

"Why though" I said

"I'll tell you later" my dad then said

Levi looked at us confused

"I guess I'll be off then" Levi said

He left the house

"So we were thinking that maybe we can get Levi a friend" my mum said.


"What do you mean" I said

"Doctor jeager told us that he doesn't think Levi needs a therapist he thinks Levi needs a friend and his son goes too Levi's school" my dad said

Wait does he mean eren

"I don't think you need too-"

"No buts just go with it" she said

You know what I'll just keep quite

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now