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I didn't make something clear yet in chapter one I told you that the ackermans want to put him into therapy that hasn't happened yet I was just explaining what was going to happen two years later this chapter will explain a bit better

Levi POV
That brat won't stop talking too me when will the bloody bell going to go

He may be cute but god he has a mouth

I heard the bell go

"Finally" I mumbled

I got up and left

I felt a person come over too me

I looked it was mikasa

"So what's he like" she said

"What" I said

"That eren kid he seems nice" she said

"He's a brat" I said in response

"Not all brats are bad" she said

My sister wants me too make a friend I've never had a friend before because everyone I've ever cared for is gone

Apart from the ackermans I guess

It was lunch so we went too the cafeteria

We sat down at the table and armin came over to talk too mikasa

"Hi mikasa" he said

She smiled at him

"Hi levi" he said less enthusiastic

"Tch-" I said

He sat down

I looked too the other side of the room and saw that brat walking around trying to find a place too sit

"Levi look at him just ask him too come and sit with us" mikasa said

"Why should I" I said

"You want too pass art don't you why don't you ask him to sit here too talk about what your going too do for your art project" armin said

He looked like a yellow coconut

I looked at armin annoyed that he spoke

"Hi Levi is it alright if I sit with you and your friends" I heard a voice speak

I turned around

It was eren

"No go away" I said

"What he means too say is yess sit" mikasa said

I saw the brat sit down

"Hi I'm eren" the brat said too them

"I'm mikasa and this is armin" she said

Armin waved at him

"And I thought you said to not make friends with you" the brat said to me

I rolled my eyes

"I'm actually his sister" mikasa said

"I don't think he considers me as a friend" armin said

I rolled my eyes

"Just be lucky I even talk too you" I said to armin

"So where did you move from" armin asked him

"New York my dads a doctor and a therapist and my mum sadly passed a few years ago so we moved here for a fresh start" he said

That's where I recognise the name

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now