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So this is two years later and the ackermans still haven't met the jeagers yet

Levi POV
I have been living with the ackermans for two years now.

I'm 16 years old.

I still have to learn loads of things.

But my main goal is to learn how to read.


For some such a simple task.

But no, not for me.

I heard my alarm clock go off.

I don't know why I have an alarm clock.

I'm always awake.

The nightmares keep me up at night.

So I rarely get a full night of sleep, most nights.

I turned the alarm clock off, and got out of bed.

I went to my bathroom, and stripped.

I got in the shower, and turned it on.

Feeling the warm water fall onto my pale skin.

It was a quick shower.

As soon as it finished, I got out of the shower and got dressed.

I dried my hair, and styled it into my usual undercut.

And went downstairs, to the other ackermans.

"Morning, Levi." Mrs ackerman said to me.

"Morning." I said back.

I sat next to mikasa on the table.

She smiled at me.

Mr Ackerman gave me a bowl of scrambled eggs.

"Thanks." I said.

"Now Levi. I know you don't like to but the options said that if you don't wear you glasses you won't be able to see much." Mrs Ackerman said.

I nodded.

I hate wearing my glasses it makes my eye, and scar more noticeable.

But I can't see with our them.

I took my glasses that were in my pocket, out of its case, and placed it on my face.

"Anyway isn't it time that you two went to school?" Mr Ackerman said.

I looked at mikasa who nodded.

We were about to head out. When.

"Oh and Levi, if any of those kids give you a hard time again tell us or one of the teachers." Mrs Ackerman shouted.

Before I could respond I left the house.

"She's right you know." Mikasa said.

I looked at her.

"You should tell someone, when they're rude to you." She said.

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now