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Levi POV
what does he mean he's my therapist

I already had this discussion with the ackermans

We've tried therapy before it didn't work out

I ended up almost biting my last 4 therapist fingers off because they kept on trying too look at my eye and burns on my arms

"Sorry doctor jeager can I have a minute with my son" my dad said

Doctor jeager nodded

Doctor jeager walked into another room

And there were just me and the ackermans minus mikasa

"Levi we had a call from the school today they said you got into another fight and you were chucked on the floor and most likely hurt your head because you looked almost past out" My step mum said

"It wasn't a fight and what does that have too do with this situation" I said

"We think the fights that your having are causing your nightmares" my dad said

That's not it

"That's not true" I said

"Then tell us about your nightmares talk too us" she said

They wouldn't understand they'd look at me how everyone else does

Well not everyone eren doesn't look at me like that

Why are you thinking about him now

I shook my head

They looked sad but annoyed

"Stop looking at me like that" i said

"Like what" my dad said.

I stormed upstairs

"Like how everyone else does" I said

I stormed up too my room

No one followed me

I slammed the door

I put my back by the door and and fell too the ground

I hugged my knees

And I felt myself cry

I heard a knock at my door

"Go away" I shouted

"So you don't like too talk about these dreams your having why is that" I heard a voice say

"It's my past I just want to put my past behind me" I said

"Why am I telling you this just go away" I then said

"You said you don't want people to look at you the way some do why is that"

"It's nothing just go away" I said

"You've left therapy in the past because people tried to look at your past wounds what if we look at your present" he said


"You just have to open the door and we can talk downstairs" he said

I don't know why but I opened the door

And there was doctor jeager

I stood up and went downstairs with him

He took me into the quite room where I go when I need too calm down from some stress or when I feel sad

I sat on the chair

And he sat on the one opposite me

"So can you tell me some things about yourself I know nothing about you but I want too know stuff" he said

I looked at him.

"I don't think you want too know" I said

"We don't have to start from when the nightmares started just what happened at school today"

I signed

"At the start of the day I was trying to practice my reading with mikasa and then Erwin Smith took my book then kicked me in the stomach and then at lunch he punched me and I fell too the ground and nothing happened too him just me mikasa and my fr- I mean this boy got in trouble" i said

"And is this boy perhaps my son eren" he said

I looked at him

"Don't worry it's fine just don't get him into trouble again please" he said

"I didn't get him into trouble though I did nothing wrong" I said

"You know what it's fine let's not get off topic" he said


He looked at me

"Can you not tell eren about this it's embarrassing and I don't want anyone else think I'm crazy" I said

"Don't worry these are personal things Why do people think your crazy"

Should I tell him he said he wouldn't tell anyone

"A year after I joined the school someone from my past came too the school she used too be my best friend but everyone found out that she was the best friend of the mysterious boy with the scar so they asked her why I got the scar and the eye and she told them the truth" I said

"What happened too the girl"

"The people at my school changed her and now hange is best friends with Erwin smith I don't think I've said one word too her since" I said

"Is this why you don't tell people about what happened to your face because you think they'll judge you" he said

"No it's just I think they'll  look at me how others do they look at me as if I'm not a person as if I'm not human so I haven't told anyone about this scar I have" I said

"How does that make you feel"

"It makes me feel like a monster that I created" I said

"Levi do you mind telling me exactly what happened to your face it's alright if you don't want too just asking" he said

He's giving me a choice

I feel like I can trust him

"Two years ago I was depressed so I sliced my face with a knife I thought it would kill me but someone found me bleeding out and took me too a hospital"

"Are you depressed now"


"I mean do you feel better or the same" He then said

"In all honesty doctor jeager i feel worse

Oof sad shit

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now