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Erens POV
Levi wasn't saying anything he just stayed silent

I shook him

"Levi what are we going to do" I said

He came back to reality

"Knock on the door" he said

"What" I said

"Knock on the door"

"You do it if you want someone to knock on the door so bad" I said

"I can't"

"Why can't you" I said

"Because I'm not cute enough and they probably know my face" he said

"What do you mean your not cute enough wait a minute your saying I am" I said

"Just knock on the stupid door"

"Fine" I said

He hid

He had the knife in his hand

What is he going to do with it

I knocked on the door

A guy opened it oh shit I was so scared

I saw an emotionless mikasa on the floor

She was tied up

"Well kid what is it" the man at the door said

"I....I...I" I was stuttering

"He's lost we are both lost" I heard a voice say

I looked to see Levi

The guy looked at Levi more specifically his eye

Levi looked slightly annoyed

"Is this kid bothering you" the man said to me

"N...no we're lost really we are" I said

The guy smirked

"Would you boys like to come inside we have a cute dog that can keep you company while we look for your parents" the man said

Levi walked in

Another guy inside looked at Levi

"Boy do I know you" the other man said

He must be the man sending hate stuff to his dad

The man who let us in touched Levi's shoulder

"Ackerman" he said

Levi got his knife out and stabbed the guy in the stomach

And he sliced the other man

They were both dead on the floor

I was still

Levi POV
I saw mikasa emotionless tied up on the floor

I dropped the knife

"Mikasa" I said

I ran over to her

I cut the ropes

She hugged me

And I hugged her back

I looked over at eren who looked paralysed

"Where's the other man there were three" she said what

Before I knew it me and mikasa were both being pulled by our hair backwards

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now