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Levi POV
I've been living with the heaters for a few weeks now

Mikasa has been staying with armin most nights since she can't concentrate when studying at the jeagers

I have been refusing to go to school

The only reason I went is because mikasa forced me to

And mr jeager isn't around to stop me

And eren isn't  stopping me either

I've never liked school

I still can't read

Plus even though I can't read I'm still pretty smart smarter than most

But I really need to go back if I avoid it forever I won't have a life to live

Erens POV
Levi has been living with me for weeks

His sister isn't really staying with us

She does live here but she's here like twice a week the other weeks she's with armin

Levi isn't coming to school

But I'm not taking it anymore

I went to levi

"Levi can we talk" I said

He nodded

"You haven't been coming to school lately and I want you to start coming back" I said

He looked at me cold

I have prepared for the worst insults

"Fine" he said


He's not arguing with me

"Really" I said

"You promised me something you promised me you'd teach me how to read if I don't go to school I have no need to read and I want nothing more than to be able to feel normal even though im not" he said while touching his scar

He put some hair infront of his eye

I hugged him

He rolled his eyes

"Not a hugger" he said.

"I don't care" I mumbled

We got ready and walked to the bus stop

I was talking to him but I'm pretty sure he wasn't listening

When we got to the bus stop everyone stared at him

I forgot to tell him about the rumours going around about him

"Look at that scar face didn't get murdered with the rest of his family to bad now we all still have to look at his face" erwin said

Levi was raging it wasn't obvious to tell since he has a cold expression

But I know

I saw everyone look at levi weirdly

He sat far away from everyone else and I followed him

"You okay" i said

"I'm fine it's just hurts to find out that everyone thought and wanted me to be killed" he said

"There just trying to hurt your feelings they don't really mean it" I told him

"Let's just face it the world would be better without me" he said

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now