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Levi POV
We were walking to there house

Me and mikasa were holding hands just so I was comforting her

When we arrived at the jeagers residence

It was median size it looked nice we went in there it was a big mess

I'll sort that out

"Mikasa you can have the spare room and Levi for now you can share with eren" Doctor jeager said 

I didn't want to seem like I wasn't appreciative

So I nodded

"Come on levi let's go upstairs to get you settled" eren said

I nodded

I went upstairs with eren

I went into his room

"I think we will have to share the bed sorry" he said

I shrugged my shoulders meaning it was fine

It was a king size so it was fine

"I don't think I want to go to school tomorrow" he said

I looked at him

"If I didn't go to school every time something bad happened to me I'd never go to school" I said

He sat on his bed

"It's getting late" he said

"Yeah it is" I said

He laid down

I laid down next to him

I saw him he had his eyes closed

I slowly closed my eyes

Eren POV
I woke up

I felt something fluffy and soft on my chest

It felt nice

But then I felt shaking

"Stop stop stop stop it" I heard someone moan

I opened my eyes

I saw Levi's head laying on my chest

I saw a tear roll down his cheek

He was shaking

He was breathing heavily

He was sweating q

I shook him to wake him up

"Levi" I said

He opened his eyes

He sat up

He hugged his knees

I saw a tear fall from his face

"Hey are you okay" I said

I sat up

"I'm fine" he said

"Are you sure because you looked really-"

"Just drop it" he said

I nodded meaning sure

He got up

"Where are you going" I said

"I'm getting a drink I'm thirsty will you show me to the kitchen please" he said

I nodded

I went downstairs with him

We went to the kitchen

I got him a drink

And gave it to him

He sat down

And started drinking the water

"So are you alright" i said

"Yes I'm fine I just had a nightmare"

"It's not surprising with everything that happened yesterday-"

"It happens most nights I'm used to it but I still feel sad" he said

I sat next to him

His hands were on the table

I put my hands on top of his.

He looked at me

Was I not supposed to do that

"Eren" he said


"Your special you know" he said

"How so"

"Your the only person on this planet apart from mikasa who doesnt look at me like everyone else does" he said

I'm confused

"What do you mean by that"

He touched his eye lid

"Everyone looks at me as if i wasn't a person as if I was broken but when you look at me it's different you look at me as if I was normal" he said

I took his hand from his eye

"Everyone has scars some more visible than others and that's what makes you beautiful" I said

Oh god does he think I'm weird now

"Thanks your not to bad yourself" he said

He looked at me Straight in the eyes

His face was coming closer to mine I could feel his breathing

Were we going to kiss

I closed my eyes

"What are you two doing" I heard a female voice say

I felt Levi float away

And look at who it was

It was mikasa

"Nothing" he said

I nodded agreeing with him

Mikasa sat next to us

"I can't sleep I want to go home" she said

"Same I want to go back to my home my home with my mum" Levi then said 

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now