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Levi POV
I woke up and I couldn't believe what I had done

We were in the woods still we spent the night

I spent the night asleep or eren bloody brat jeager lap

That's actually the first night in years I've slept well

Why is that.

I saw eren

He looked pretty.

I have this weird feeling in my stomach probably from lack of food.

He suddenly opened his eyes

I pretended to be asleep so it didn't look like I was staring

I don't know why but for some reason I was still on his lap

I felt him staring at me

That little creep

I started to open my eyes

And got off his lap

"You alright sleepy head" he said

I felt myself go red

"I'm sorry I wasn't thinking straight" I said

No I wasn't thinking straight I was thinking gay

Stop thinking levi

"I just got really upset and overwhelmed so I ran off and I froze literally and I didn't mean to sleep on your lap" I was saying

He burst out laughing

"Oi" I said

"I'm sorry it's just you... you looked so peaceful we have to share a bed and you always wake up frightened" he laughed

Eren POV
He was so adorable

I couldn't help but laugh

He grabbed my collar and pulled me with an angry look

I smiled brightly again

Something happened I wasn't expecting

I grabbed him by the collar

And kissed him

I let go

He looked stunned

He got up and started walking

I followed

"Levi-" I said

"Don't eren" he said

"Please I didn't mean-"

"You didn't mean to eren I've never felt this way about anyone before in my life I just don't want to hurt you or embarrass you" he said Interrupting me

Wait he feels the same way

Him embarrass me

"You could never do that" I said

I grabbed his hand

He stopped walking and looked at me

"Everyone I've ever cared about is either dead or has left me I don't want that to happen to you" he said.

"Levi I promised you last night I promised you I would never leave you" I said.

"Don't make promises you can't keep" he said

He was about to walk away

But I pulled him closer to me

He was madly blushing

So was I

"Please Levi you are what make me happy nothing will change that" I said

He looked at me

his geeky dorky glasses made him look so cute

Even though they make his scar stand out

His scars are what makes him special to me

Levi stepped on both my feet

What was he doing

He then stepped on his tip toes to reach my height

Then he kissed me

I was shocked at first but then sank into the kiss

He let go

"You make me happy to brat" he said

I smiled

The start of a new relationship I had to get them together sooner or later otherwise when would feel free to suggest ideas

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now