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Levi POV
Mikasa went back to her bed to get some more sleep

And that just left me and eren

Were we going to kiss a second ago

I honestly have no clue

I loved the colour of his eyes

They were carribean green

It was like looking into the most beautiful thing you could ever see

Stop thinking like that

Now it was just really awkward between us

"So-" eren said awkwardly

I looked at him

"It's 8:00 do you want to get some breakfast at a cafe or something" he said

"Yeah sure" I said

I didn't have any spare clothes

We went upstairs and eren gave me some

We got changed and we were about to put our shoes on

He was looking at something

I couldn't see properly I've lost my glasses

He managed to have his on though

"Do you mind if I skate there" he said

I saw the skateboard

"No it's fine" I said.

I tried to focus my eyesight

It wasn't working.

"Are you ok" he said

" I'm fine it's just I've lost my glasses"

"Oh well we can ask my dad later if we can take you to the opticians or something" he said

I nodded
Eren POV
I took my skateboard and then we headed off

While I was riding my skateboard I saw he was looking at me weirdly

"What" I said


"What is it" I then said

"It's just who the hell taught you how to skate" he said

He's questioning my skating ability

"Oh if your so good at it why don't you have a go" I said

I got off the skateboard and handed it to him

"Im not as good as I used to be and I can't see properly so don't judge me brat" he said

He got on the skateboard

And he was actually pretty good

He rolled all the way to the nearest skate park

And then he was going up and down the skate whatever it's called you know the thing skaters go up and down on

He then gave me the board back

And we sat down

"Maybe we should get you a board since your so good" I said

"I don't skate anymore" he said

"Why don't you" I said

"I don't know it's just when I used to skate it was to make me feel better about myself and now I don't have a point in skating" he said

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now