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So in this chapter there is talk of drugs if you don't like that talk don't read thank you

Levi POV
Today eren went to get the mail

I know not very interesting but still

He came back all excited

"What's wrong brat" I asked

"We as in me and you have been invited to a party Erwin and hanges birthday party" he spieled

It's a fake hanges birthday is September 5th and today is no- oh wait yes it is

I know it's October or something but let's just say that it's September

So maybe it's not a complete fake.

But I ain't going

"So what" I said.

"We should go" he said

"Have you been knocked in the head because Erwin Smith and hange Zoe kind of hate us" I said

"Then why did they invite us" he said

That's true

"Probably to do some wicked deed brat are you really that stupid" I said

He looked sad at that comment

And went upstairs

Looking sad

I now felt really bad so I followed him

I knocked on the door that he slammed shut

"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said it's just they've hurt me before and I just don't want them hurting you if you really want to go I'll come with you" I said

He opened the door

He had the biggest smile ive ever seen

I'm really regretting what i just said.

He came up to me and kissed me

I guess that means thanks

"When is this stupid party" I said

"Today" he said Smirking

I rolled my eyes

"Fine we will leave a bit later" I said

He nodded

He looked like an excited puppy

I rolled my eyes

Time skipped brought to you bye erwins big ass eyebrows

Erens POV
So life is great for me at least

I've got a cute boyfriend,

I love him

He loves me

And I'm going to my first ever party

That's never happened

I've noticed something about Levi

Of course he's emo and stuff but on the inside he's a big softie

But ever since I met him he wears this ring

It has a 'H' on it

I wonder what that means it doesn't matter though

When we were about to leave for the party I looked at Levi

And smiled

"If someone hurts or be's rude we're leaving" he said

I nodded smiling

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now