Chapter Nine

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Terry's P.O.V

The girls came back crying. Why? I can't answer that.

Me: "what did you do?"

Stephanie: "we did nothing."

Me: "then what's wrong?"

Keigan: "we met Jack and Jack, Sammy Wilk, Nate Maloley, and Jake Foushee... And I made them make Chloe sing and she did."

Me: "yeah so? She is good we all know that but why are you crying for that?"

Chloe: "they took us all backstage and took me on stage... And then asked me to go on tour with them."

Me: "did you say no?"

Jade: "think again. Long story short... We have to take care of ourselves for a while." Shae said in a mad tone.

Chloe: "glad you are happy for me Jade. Glad that you are to selfish to take care of yourself. Glad that you being 20 years old and can't take care of yourself. I'm also so very glad that you are 'happy' for me to actually be able to have a shot to have the job of my dreams. Thank you."

Jade: "its not like that Chloe."

Me: "it sure seems like it. I can care less if she isn't going to be here to take care of me. I'm happy for her."

Chloe: "thank you Terry, glad you aren't selfish."

Jade: "Chloe it isn't like that! I didn't mean it like that."

Chloe: "Bullshit. I have to go pack now... See ya." She runs upstairs alone.

Me: "that's just fucked up."

Keigan and Stephanie: "yeahhhhhh."

Stephanie: "she did everything for you, make you food, clean your room, takes you places, buys you stuff instead of trying to get somewhere in life and now she has a shot and you are to busy thinking about yourself than to realize how happy she is. That's just rude."

Keigan: "once in her life she can do what she wants but you are being a bitch and thinking about yourself."

They walked upstairs. Damnnnn they just told her.

Stephanie's P.O.V

We walked to Chloe's room and she was sitting on her bed crying. Me and Keigan looked at eachother and ran to one said. Keigan on her left and me on her right.

Me: "babe what's wrong?" She just hands me her phone without speaking.

I type in her password and Keigan is on my side now. We look at what was open. Her text with Sammy.


Her: "hey I'm packing now✌"

Him: "awesome we will be there when you are done baby girl"

Her: "actually wait... I'm sorry... I can't go."

Him: "what why?!??"

Her: "my sister is being a baby and is to selfish. I'm really sorry please tell the other guys too."

Him: "I guess I understand I'm sorry baby girl."

~end of text~

Me: "Chloe you need to go!"

Chloe: "its to late."

Keigan: "I'm going have a talk to Jade." She takes Chloe's phone out of my hand.

Me: "I'm coming to keep you back from killing her."

We walk to Terry and Jade sitting on the couch.


Me: "Keigan calm down."

Jade: "that's a lie. They are coming to get her after she packs."

Me: "really?!?! Fucking look at their texts!" Keigan throws her Chloe's phone. She reads the text and looks up.

Jade: "well now its to late."

Keigan: "you are such a bitch!"

Terry: "let me see." Jade hands him Chloe's phone. He reads them, "hope you're happy now Jade. That is so fucked up!" He gets up and walks to Chloe's room, as Keigan is about to kill Jade. I hold her back pulling her back to Chloe's room.

I start thinking to myself. What if I can get them to come get her? What if its not to late? What if Terry talks her into going again? Wait... I have an idea: I get Nate's number out of Chloe's phone and text him to come without Chloe knowing, then me and Keigan pack for her while she is in Terrys room talking, they come here and get her because if they are here she will have to go. I think this can work. Before I step into her room I get Nate's number and text him.


Me: "hey its Stephanie... Chloe said she isn't going and all but I think I can get her to go. Is it to late or?"

Him: "Nah we are cleaning up all our stuff. Tell me if you got her. Sammy and Johnson are like depressed and shit that she isn't going."

Me: "awesome. I'll pack her bag and talk to her. See ya."

Him: "see you cutie."

~end of texts~

I take Terry out of her room and tell him the plan. He agrees and gets Chloe to his room to help him with his dubstep. Keigan and I start going through everything of Chloe's and packing clothes and stuff she will need. I text Terry to tell him to talk to her about it and then tell me. Within 5mins he texts back saying she said she really wants to go but Jade. I tell him to make her pretty and not have tears running down her face. I also text Nate her address and to come soon. I'm a good friend I know.

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