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Belle's POV

I stand in the bathroom mirror just accross off the hallway I've now made out with Arden, I stare at my smudged makeup and wild hair, and decide that statement is as honest as it gets.

I open my purse and do my best to fix my face and hair with the few items I've creatively fit in my tiny bag. Thankfully I have lipstick, a concealer, a tiny comb and a petite hairspray, all of which I waste no time putting to use. Time is critical, not just because of the party either. The longer I'm down some hallway with Arden, the more obvious we are. I walk to the door, steel myself for the man on the other side, and exit.

He's leaning on the wall, looking all Tall, Hot and GQ—no, all Tall, Hot and Just Owned Me, in his perfectly fitted suit. The man doesn't even have a hair out of place, standing there, one foot crossed over the other, his arms folded over his perfect, broad chest and me on his lips.

He straightens to his back. And he is barbaric, or I wouldn't have ended up with my skirt to my waist and his tongue doing the things it did to me. "Ready?" he asks.

"Of course, I'm ready," I say, turning away from him and starting walking down the hallway. I'm not going to let what just happened affect me during the party.

He gives a low, sexy laugh, and steps to my side. "No doubt in my mind," he assures me. "And considering I can still taste you on my lips, this party might just be tolerable."

I stop walking and look at him. "Arden—"

He turns to face me, intimacy and warmth in his blue eyes. "Yes, muffin?" Showing his left dimple.

"Don't say anything like that in that room, please," I say. "Because I'm not sure I can hide my reaction."

"But I can say it when we're alone?"

"Yes," I say, because denial will get me nowhere,"but only when we're alone. Now you say yes."

"Yes," he says.

"There you are!" At the sound of Maria's exclamation, I jolt, and face forward to find her standing in our path, a good three feet away and now dressed in a pale blue, knee-length dress with a hint of shimmer.

Arden and I start walking toward her. "No one knows but us." Arden murmurs softly.

"I'm trying to look like I didn't just have my legs around your shoulders." I say in an equally low voice.

He laughs, a sexy, rumble of masculinity that clenches my sex, and carries us until we are nearly in front of Maria. "Steph couldn't find a dessert that's willing to deliver this instant. How about you? Any luck with the sweets ?" she asks urgently, meeting us the last few steps.

"Cupcakes on the way," I say. "The owner of the bakery said it would be an hour about ten minutes ago. They're going to ask for you downstairs."

"Oh, thank goodness," she breathes out. "I'll have security call me when they arrive."

"You're an angel," she says. "I hate that you had to do this." She starts backing up. "You two should head to the party. The guests have started piling in." She turns and heads down the hallway and Arden glances over at me.

"Time for the torture," he says, motioning me forward.

I fall into step with him, remembering his comment about enduring tonight because of me.

The elevator dings and a male voice calls out, "Arden Langley, you son-of-a-bitch."

Arden stops walking and we turn together to find Zoe's brother, Zander, who I've met a few times before, exiting the elevator. "Who's the son-of-a-bitch?" Arden challenges, moving forward to shake Zander's hand. "You look like shit, man."

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