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Belle's POV

My phone rang in my purse. The only ringer I hadn't set to silent in my contacts blared in the kitchen with sleepy-eyed one look at the screen and I didn't care if I wake the whole house, I wasn't missing this call.

"You're up early. It was barely six am there. " I told my husband.

"I miss you." Arden groans.

"You haven't been gone for twenty four hours." I smiled at myself. "Don't forget the party tomorrow, okay?"

"I'll see you at six, muffin. Not a minute later," he ordered gruffly.

I laughed on his threat. "Or what?"

He paused before he answers. "Or I come get you."

"Promise?" I tease. He groans like in pain. "Okay, okay. Changing the subject." I say playfully. "The twins will be fetch by mom tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, they can't wait to spend time with the twins."

Arden fell silent. I thought I lost connection. "Arden?" I called. I heard his breathing.

"Do you think we can close this deal?" Arden's voice unsure.

I lifted my finger and grabbed my drink and warm chocolate croissant off the counter. I added one sugar and took a long whiff, closing my eyes and savoring every second with this glorious cup of coffee—still too hot to sip, dammit—.

"If there's anyone who could do it, it's you." When I'd told him he doesn't need to worry about that monster client of his, he have deal with much complicated one's.

"Thanks, muffin. I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow night. I love you."

"I love you too."


Every so often, there's been a hotel guests who wanted to flirt. Being one of the youngest AVP in the company, some men, even the married ones, seem to be incapable of talking to a young and reasonably attractive woman without flirtatious overtones. Those men will often call me by first name, usually while winking. I have to fake a smile and still be polite even when I'm annoyed at this type of hotel guest. They don't believe that I am already married and a mother of two. This type of incidents never missed by my husband. And knowing Arden, he take actions immediately, which resulted to blacklisting some of those guest.

I push my long dark hair over my shoulder and stand up to straighten my dress. I'm usually not one to care that much about my appearance, but it's important to present a polished front. I'm twenty seven, but I look younger thanks to my round cheeks and slim structure. This morning when getting dressed, I tried to compensate for my youthful looks by wearing heels and a long green dress, as well as a bit more makeup than I usually wear.

I pull a small mirror from my purse and check to make sure I look okay. My long locks is a little less smooth, that's not the norm for me. I brush away a bit of smudged mascara from beneath my green eyes.

Beginning my morning rush in the car on my way to the office. Checking emails on my phone, I answered a few to keep from eating up time once I was at my desk.

Emails from florists, caterers, and linens  providers clogged my inbox with questions I was copied on. Questions I was supposed to sit back and watch as they were handled by a pro, but nothing would get done if I didn't respond.

I managed my day without thinking of anything else other than work. I was preoccupied in meetings and paperwork's the whole day. When I glance at the time. It's past five.

Just then, I'm startled from my thoughts by a light knock on the open door. I look up and freeze for a second. my girls surprising me with a visit.

"Let's get out of here, we have dresses to pick out," Lizzie says. I nodded, how can I forget.

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