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Belle's POV

"Belle Campbell, you have some serious explaining to do." came Caleb's very loud, very vague demand as he strutted the laminate flooring in his white nike.

Ten minutes after I bailed on Arden, he had demanded that I meet him at The Le Pain Quotidien and without so much as gracing me with a goodbye, hung up on me.


I quickly offered the ground a pleading stare before I turned my attention to a freakishly serious man; wide-eyed and raring to go.

"Spill it out?" He asked, glaring those green jewels of his into mine with a look that had me both quivering in my seat and confused beyond belief.

How he knew about Arden and me is beyond thinking about but with a mind I could only describe as being psychic, I had no choice but to be honest. I just hope that Caleb will understand my situation and keep it a secret.

"I just- we didn't-"

With a disappointed sigh, he finally interrupted.

"I can't believe you gave Denver my business card," he stated, thankfully cutting me off.


"The woman texted me, you know?"

I laughed, "What? Why?"

Stuck halfway between wanting to giggle and cry, I allowed him the satisfaction of explaining the rest, grateful I was off the hook.

"You my lovely sister fucking mixed up Kyrie and my business card. Do you know how embarrassing it was to have a call when I'm with Lizzie? The lady bartender went into great detail about how tight my ass looked in my last week's jeans. Lizzie walk out on me. I'm dreading that I can't fixed this," he raged, rather childishly sulking in his seat.

Now I definitely wanted to laugh, though just about managed to withhold from doing so, fearful of how he would react.

"Did you correct her?" I questioned, not wanting my efforts to be wasted.

If I had to sit through one more second of him moaning about what should he do about Lizzie, I may very well have hit him over the head with my shoe.

"Of course I did. But it was too late, Lizzie walk out on me, remember? And this is all your fault. You should be glad that your my sister and that I love you, That's why I can't be mad at you. But you have to help me explain this to Lizzie."

"We're meeting up through the week, I'll clear your name. Dont worry," I smirked, gracefully accepting my cappuccino from Grams. "Thank you, Grams!" I knowingly winked.

Grams only response was to retreat back in mild amusement once leaving me with my cup.

"So, how was last night? You stop at Arden? " His casual question well and truly steered matters elsewhere and desperate to pull off casual, I offered him a shoulder shrug.

"Why'd you think that?" I questioned, once again wondering if he possessed the power of psychic abilities.

"You're wearing his T-shirt and you didn't come home last night," he replied, throwing me off guard.


"Oh, right. Well, I decided to crash at his because I was drunk and can't seem to find my house keys," I offered, sounding like much the professional in my lie. "How was your meeting?" I then asked, keen to move conversation on to anything other than Arden-related topics.

"Thank goodness, We sorted it out. At the meeting the board seem to think my lack of attendance on the previous meetings is going to be my fallback. I pulled out an all nighter, just to study the companies financials."

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