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Belle's POV

Arden's doing a great job of being the hotel manager, he manage every operation within the hotel. Being a manager in any industry is not easy. I never imagine how complicated to manage a hotel,  theirs many operational jobs to look after like the housekeeping, the human resources, the front desk etc. all of these operations are to land under the supervision of a manager. It is a job that requires quick thinking and the ability to organize people. It suits Arden well.

While for me, being the hotel director is not as easy as it seems, but not as difficult as Arden's position right now. I'm handling food and beverage —overseeing the hotel, casino, and restaurant's food and beverage planning services. My responsibilities include menu planning and budgeting, as well as coordination of special events and marketing of food and beverage products.

Ever since we started working two months ago we always arrive and leave at work together, rumors start circulating that we are an item. I'm beginning to think we are in college all over again. The same thing is happening. Arden is not even affected in a slightest. He doesn't mind. Just like in college, he just tells me that I'm helping him take the ladies off his plate.

If his not affected, why would I be, right?

We are eating our lunch at Arden's office. I tend to check up on him, because he's always too busy to eat lunch or tend to forget. That's why I make sure he doesn't skip his meal.

Arden stretching up to reach the platter of pasta on his office center table. "Hmm, delicious!" he moaned. "What do I do without you." Offering me a cheeky wink to go with it. We are sitting next to each other.

"Give me some!" I demanded, reaching his fork towards me and place the food on my mouth. "I'd say. You'll probably starve to death." I smiled at him.

He made sure I got an even ratio of food on my plate, "Hmm, do you know what?" His eyes twinkle with irrepressible mischief.

I raised my eyebrow on his playful mood.

"Theirs a new rumor circulating around."

"What's new?" I said uninterested and started eating again. Honestly, rumors are nothing new to me anymore. "Let me guess. That we are engaged to be married." I laughed, causing poor Arden to choke on his mouthful.

"What the hell Belle, I love that one," he complimented, resuming his sitting down position once all coughing had stopped. "Good guess, but that's already given that we are an 'item'. That's not it."

"What's with the suspense." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, Okay. I'll tell you." Mischief is obvious in his voice. He cleared his throat. "That we are having sex here at my office every lunch." He said slowly while looking at me intently. Gauging my reaction.

"What the fuck, that's hilarious," I said laughing so hard.

"Yeah, It's funny! We both know your a virgin," he added, locking his gaze onto mine. "So technically, in their minds you're not a virgin," he concluded, nicking a bit of dessert and smearing it on his tongue.

"I can tell your enjoying this."

"I'm sorry, Muffin. I can't help it." He confesses, his eyes still smiling

"In case you forget. We will both be screwed if my dad finds out about this, you know that right?" I reminded him.

"I know."He said uncaring.

"You don't seem to care."

"Of course I care."He answer instantly. "It's not true. That's why I'm not worried." He points out. "I'm worried about those gossiping about us, they'll be out of work for sure."

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