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Belle's POV

Belle slid out of the car, pulling her jacket close at the cold air that bristled against her skin. As she retrieved the keys from her pocket, Caden finally caught up to her. "How did you like the restaurant, sis?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "It was alright."

"Just alright? They had the best lobster I ever tasted!"

"But I don't like lobster," she grumbled.

Stepping inside the house, she removed her jacket.

"The twins are turning five years old, right? Time flies so fast." Caden asked, striding down the hallway. He helped himself to a glass of wine, pouring her one when she gave him a pointed glance. "Don't you want another baby?"

She took a sip of her wine, hoping the liquid would help pacify her agitated mood. It didn't. "I'd love to, if Arden will be the one getting pregnant" She jokes. Caden grins.

She glanced at the clock, sighing. Time didn't seem to want to pass at all.

"I know that look. Don't worry. Arden will be here soon."

Her lips formed into a pout as she took a seat on the couch. "He's probably so exhausted right now. You know how airports are, especially with so many flights grounded."

"They're not going to fly planes during a snowstorm just because Arden wants to go home asap. Why is he in Australia anyway?"

"He and Caleb flew out there to sign a new expansion deal," she explained. "He was supposed to come back yesterday."

"I know, I know. You miss him. You love him. Blah, blah, blah." Caden rolled his eyes. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually think I have more fun hanging out with the two of you as a couple than you alone. Never thought I'd say that considering how sickeningly sweet you guys act with each other."

"Shut up."

Caden's phone beeps, signalling a text message. A mysterious smile crept over his lips.

"What?" I asked. "Your girlfriend calling you?"

"Something like that." He chugged the rest of his wine in one quick gulp and stood up. She protested when he reached for her glass; it was still half-full.

"Hey, I'm not done with that yet."

He set the glasses aside, pulled her to her feet and started fixing her hair.

"What are you doing, Caden?" she asked, slapping his hand away.

"Just want to make sure you look good."

"For what?" she asked, confused.

He gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Good night. Have fun. And do me a favor, remind Arden that he owes me one."

"For what?" she asked.

Caden quickly disappeared down the hallway and out of our house, leaving me alone. I shook my head, bemused, taking the empty glasses into the kitchen. While cleaning up, a recent picture of her and Arden with the twins caught her attention. A stolen moment between the two of them playing with our kids, captured perfectly by Caden. I smiled, thinking back to when her family had come to visit them and the wonderful week they had spent together.

Her phone vibrated, she checked the text message.

"Come upstairs, my love."

What the hell? She quickly went up the staircase, confused but excited. Was Arden home already? Had he been sleeping all this time while she'd been out to dinner with Caden? It's not like she'd intended to go. After being heavily disappointed that Arden was stuck in Australia on our five years anniversary - five years from the time they got married, she'd been planning to stay in and wallow in pity when Caden turned up at her door unexpectedly. He were in town, and insisted on taking her out to which she'd reluctantly agreed.

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