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Belle's POV

I cannot help my despondent mood as Paul drives me to the office. Arden's LA business trip has happened and I miss him already.

The rest of my days passed by so quickly in a blur. My team and I touched bases with two clients and has a long meeting with the creative team working  on the concept of the new hotel and the new campaign of advertisement for the hotels. It was fascinating process seeing how the various Departments pick up the baton from each other to carry one's idea from proposition to fruition. I've always stayed late for the past days, because it was odd at first not seeing Arden for a week after spending almost our time together since forever. We have never been apart before. I feel like a chunk of me is missing.

But he always makes a point to call.

But, God!

I missed my husband. Video calls are not enough. I know now that I'm not cut for a long distance relationship.  

I let out a heavy sigh and continue with my work. The hotel is in it's busiest this past few days.

Pam knocks on my door and went barging inside my office, cutting me on my reverie.

"Look at this," worried look is written on Pams face, as she sets her phone on the table in front of me. "There's a gossipy item on the manhattan website about Arden."

"What?" I say in surprise. My mouth purses on the news written on the website. My thoughts is running away with me, unpleasant thoughts crosses my mind.

The column says. 'Newly wed hotelier Arden Langley spotted having drinks with an unknown lady - at their Los Angeles hotel branch. Four months after he tied the knot with hotelier heir Belle Campbell.'

Feeling all the blood drain from my face. I shift uncomfortably in my chair as I glance at Pam.

"Belle, I think you should call him and discuss this in private. For all you know, this is just a big misunderstanding." Pam advise me. "You know how this are, sometimes they are just blowing everything out of proportions just to get a scoop." She reassures me.

"Thank you, Pam." I blanch while saying that. "I'll call him." I murmur in a whisper. She leaves my office silently.

I rest my elbow on the table, gazing outside my office window. I take a deep breath and slowly begin to calm.

His on business trip for a week, his supposed to come home tomorrow afternoon. I sent him the manhattan gossip website.

He called me the second he received the gossip news. My phone keep on ringing. One miss call - two and now six. And had left four messages. I am not about to talk to him. My phone suddenly stops ringing. Then I heard my personal assistant desk phone started ringing, I know - I'm sure that Arden is the one on the other line. When my intercom buzz, I pick it up.

"Yes, Claire?"

"Ma'am, your husband is on the line. I'll put him through." My personal secretary, Claire said.

"Okay." I can't possibly ask her to tell him that I'm busy. That would stir the news even deeper.

I'm aware of him on the phone. I heard him sigh. That familiar sigh.

"You're mad at me," he whispers.

"No shit."

"How mad?"

"Scale one to ten, I think I'm at a hundred."

"That mad." He sound surprise and impressed at once.

"Yes, pushed to violence mad." I say through gritted teeth.

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