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Belle's POV

I woke up with Arden's face in between my legs.

Breathing Arden's name on a pleasure fuelled haze was as bizarre as it was hot, and while having my best friend feast on my private part as through the thing itself was an exquisite three-course-meal should've proved embarrassing, it surprisingly didn't. His loving lips were indescribable in their quest. While passionately lapping at my most sensitive folds, both thumbs lightly massaged my breasts, skimming past my puckered nipples as though purposely avoiding them.

"Oh my God!"

My back's arch instantly rose from the bed as my body became seemingly desperate for more contact with Arden and his ability to have me squirm with just one touch alone. He was up and evaluating me in seconds, the expression passing through his eyes almost animalistic. Then, without any warning, he was back down and biting on my hipbone.

"More!" I begged, breathlessly revealing my plea with the hopes he gave into my demand.

Thankfully, having taken my desires into consideration, he came to a standing position between my legs and walked over to his drawer, putting on the condom soon after. My mind's attention was purely focused on the unavoidable ache situated in between each leg; the need for release sharp becoming my top priority, surprisingly so. I was never usually that enthusiastic when it came to the act of intimacy. Maybe it has to do with me being inexperience. Even if everyone of my age already done it, with Arden, however, I found myself drawn to the curiosity of the situation; both needing and wanting to know more about the extremities he had the potential to take me to. He was no stranger to sex and I could only assume such practice made for an excellent candidate. Simply put, he was a godsend in the bedroom and being his latest conquest, as inappropriate as it was, excited me.

"Belle, wait for me, baby."

Arden's plea momentarily confused me before I allowed my gaze to travel to where his was currently settled; on my right hand wedged in between each leg. "As much as I love watching you touch yourself, I need to be the one making you come."

Off came his shirt again, subjecting me to an unavoidable sight of perfectly pale skin, impeccable stomach structure.

His subtle six-pack was modest in its display, though proved perfect to the touch against my slightly shaking fingertips and sweaty palms. I appreciate the finer details of his smooth edges, and that slight dusting of dark hair he held on his stomach trailing down his happy place.

Sexy. As. Hell.

"Do you want this, Belle?" asked Arden, rather seriously pulling me from my ogling. "Do you want me?"

"Yes," I replied, almost instantly. "Do you?"

I remained calm under his watchful eye and prepared myself for the moment we become one again.

"I want this. I want you."

His words proved quite the aphrodisiac and before I knew what was happening, my hand was pulled away from my centre and fell victim to one glorious suck as Arden rid all evidence of my impatient behavior.

"You taste amazing," he smirked, positioning both hands above my head by locking them in place. "Ready?." Giving me a warning.

A quick nod to the head was all it took to have him slowly push past the small barrier, I soon found I was again  introduced to new levels of satisfaction.

"Look at me," he inhaled, ever the gentleman in his request. I did as instructed and met his blue-grey gaze head-on, offering him a cheeky smile to accompany it. His blue-grey eyes are burning into mine, full of intensity and desire.

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