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Tristan groaned and opened his eyes, a familiar pain running down his back and his ass. He smiled as he remembered the night before, getting back at that bitch of a boxer by sleeping with his opponent. Even though he'd never see Winston again, it felt good.

The revenge and the sex.

Tristan yawned and looked at the clock before his eyes widened and he leapt out of bed. "Fuck!" he yelled, pulling on his crumpled dress pants and shirt, putting on his flight pin and throwing his stuff into his suitcase.

He then realized he still didn't know where his wallet was, making his slap his hand against his head.

"Morning," the man, Tristan was pretty sure his name was Ben, said, raising an eyebrow. "What's with the panic?"

"I'm supposed to be at the airport at nine and it's currently eight fifty and I can't miss this flight," Tristan said, zipping up his bag. "Sorry, Ben."

Ben chuckled. "It's Brian," he said, approached Tristan, still stark naked. "There will be other flights. Come back to bed."

"I can't, Barry!" Tristan exclaimed. "I'm a flight attendant who's already late all the time! I'm going to be in deep shit."

Brian sighed. "Can I have your number at least?" he asked hopefully.

"Fucking wallet's gone... dammit," Tristan mumbled, grabbing his phone from the night stand.


"What, Blaise?"

"Can I have your number?"

Tristan shook his head. "Sorry, I'm a one night only kind of person," he said, dragging his suitcase behind him. "Have a nice life. If you guarded your stomach you'd win more matches."

"Boxing is a for fun kind of thing for me," Brian said, walking Tristan rush to the door.

"Just like sex is for me," Tristan said. "Also, gotta give you props for lasting so long. Most people can't go for that many rounds."

Brian sighed. "So, no number?"

"Nope!" Tristan called, running out the door. "Bye, Bruno!"

With that, he rushed downstairs, calling an Uber to get him to the airport and checking out at the front desk. He got into the car and called Andi, praying that his friend would be able to contact the airline to help him through security or get him a temporary ID.

"You're late," Andi deadpanned as he answered. "We board in twenty minutes, Tristan!"

Tristan huffed. "Yeah, I'm late, and I'm also missing my wallet, so can you hurry the hell up and ask the flight desk if there's any way they can help me get in without ID?" he asked, making Andi scoff.

"You're a mess, honey," he said, taking on the fatherly tone he often used despite only being a year older than Tristan. "I'll ask the desk and talk to security. Maybe they have scans of your birth certificate."

Tristan thanked him and quite literally leapt out of the car once they got there, pulling his bag with him and thanking the driver. He rushed into the airport and ran to security, but as soon as he got to the front of the line, the security check person handed him his leather wallet.


"Someone came by and said they found it and that it belongs to one of the flight attendants," the security check woman said. "It has your flight badge in it."

Tristan wondered if another flight attendant found it or maybe Andi managed to find it and give it to her. It didn't matter; he had his wallet and his ID and flight badge with the proof that he was supposed to be on the flight.

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