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There will be sexual content in this chapter ! Enjoy you horny sluts :)

Tristan knew the house would be empty when he woke up and that everyone in the house, except for himself and Winston, would be in Hell having the time of their lives at a sex party.

Tristan definitely wanted to go the following year.

He opened his eyes and yawned, then noticed that his soulmate wasn't beside him. Instead, he was clutching a pillow and Winston was nowhere to be seen.

Frowning, Tristan got up and then heard a low moaning sound from the attached bathroom. He couldn't help his cock twitching at the sound and slid off of the bed to go investigate.

He tried to be as quiet as possible as he opened the door, and he found Winston stroking himself in the shower, eyes shut and head thrown back as he did so.

And damn, it was hot.

Tristan didn't wear pajama pants, so he was just in his underwear and a T-shirt as he began to palm himself through his briefs. He was sure that anywhere else this would be some kind of sexual harassment, but it was his demonic soulmate, so Tristan didn't feel ashamed or like he was intruding.

He did, however, want to avoid getting caught by Winston. Tristan knew that the demon would never stop him, but he was still a bit wary of letting Winston see him vulnerable the way he was during any sexual action.

"Fuck," Tristan whispered, eyes on Winston's erect cock as the demon stroked it and moaned loudly.

What Tristan didn't realize was that his voice carried through the bathroom, but he figured it out when Winston's eyes opened and met Tristan's.

"I... I had to pee," Tristan said, face red.

Winston opened the shower door. "You know, I think you should shower too," he said, glancing down at the hardness of Tristan through his underwear. "Might release some of the tension in your body."

Tristan blushed an even deeper red color, but he took off his shirt, keeping eye contact with Winston the whole time.

"Take them off," Winston said, his eyes locked on the bulge in Tristan's undergarments, a dark spot on the fabric from the spots of precum escaping from the tip of his cock.

Tristan knew he could've made the choice to tease Winston and refuse to take off his briefs, but something sparked in the demon's eyes and made Tristan unable to disobey.

He stripped himself nude and got into the shower, his face still red with shyness and embarrassment, as this was the first time that he'd ever let Winston see him naked.

"Damn," Winston whispered, looking Tristan up and down.

Tristan bit his bottom lip as he looked down at Winston's still erect cock, dripping from the tip and covered with water droplets from the shower.

"How the fuck is that supposed to fit in me?!" Tristan asked, since it was definitely bigger than any he'd ever taken.

Winston chuckled and grabbed the base of his cock, stroking along the length and thumbing the tip. "With prep," he purred, using his other hand to cup Tristan's cheek. "And don't act like it's not turning you on."

Tristan tried to avoid eye contact, never having felt so exposed or nervous in the eyes of another person who he planned on having sex or taking part in some kind of sexual act with. Then again, he didn't really care in the past how his partners felt and only cared about his own pleasure, but now he wanted it to be good for Winston, too.

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