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It was all groping and kissing when Tristan and Winston got home, but it wasn't their own. No, the lucky pair got to walk in on Greyson, Levi, and Elijah on the couch, all without shirts on and Levi with his pants gone.

"You have rooms for a reason," Tristan said, grimacing. "I lied. Alastor, I'm not ready to come back here, so take me back to Alaska!"

Alastor shook his head and closed the portal before Tristan could run back in.

"Ugh," Winston said, looking at the three and spotting Levi's missing pants and partially pulled down underwear. "Levi, your, uh, friend is still peeking out."

Greyson glared at him. "Stop looking!" he growled, grabbing both of his soulmates and hiding them as best he could from Winston and Tristan's view.

"You're in public space," Tristan said, grimacing. "Levi is my friend and he's the innocent baby of our human group, so please don't corrupt him in front of me."

Levi blushed from behind Greyson's body. "Maybe we should go back to our room," he mumbled, grabbing the sweatshirt that he stole from Elijah and putting it back on. "I want more practice before the celebration."

"Celebration?" Tristan asked.

"In human it translates to giant sex party," Levi said, grabbing Elijah's hand since Greyson had already walked back toward their room, impatiently waiting for his soulmates to follow. "And I'm going this year!"

"We're not," Winston said before Tristan could ask. "Neither of us is ready for that."

Tristan sighed in relief. "Thank the lord above. Or actually, thank the lord below because I can confirm there's a lord below and he's pretty badass. So why do you guys have a sex party?"

"It celebrates the creation of Hell. June sixth, every year, we have our celebration, and only demons and their soulmates are welcome."


"We can go next year."

Tristan shrugged. "No problem, that means we get the house to ourselves."

"So you can do what?" Elijah asked, purring out the words. "Because I don't think you two are in your innocent little hating each other phase anymore."

"I never hated him, to be fair," Winston said, sitting at the bar. "He hated me."

Tristan rolled up a magazine and hit Winston on the head with it, like he was a puppy who was misbehaving. "I didn't hate you. I despised you. And, to be fair, you earned it with your whole yelling at me when I was I having a mental breakdown," he said bluntly, hopping up on a barstool beside his soulmate.

"Yes, I deserved some anger from you."

"You also kidnapped me."

Winston sighed. "Can we not dwell on the past?"

"We could, but I like watching you squirm. It's funny," Tristan said, making Winston groan and slam his face into the bar's marble surface.

Levi and Elijah both chuckled before vanishing down their hallway to get to Greyson.

The door to the mansion opened and Lexi walked in, a warm blush covering his face as he entered the room. He tried to make a dash for his hall, but Tristan stopped him.

"Where were you, Lex?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "I feel like I've been seeing less and less of you lately."

Lexi's eyes flashed pink, holding more annoyance than Tristan had ever seen. "Well you are always in your room," he growled, surprising both Winston and Tristan with how mean he sounded.

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