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"I want to go to the cells," Tristan said as soon as Renato entered his room to collect Tristan for dinner. "I'm bored in here and I miss my friends. Let me see them."

Renato shook his head. "No. They are dangerous monsters and I want you to be safe," he said in his thick, Italian accent that would've been so much hotter if he wasn't holding Tristan against his will.

"They're my friends, you overgrown bat!" Tristan snapped as Renato blocked the door. "I want to see them!"

"No," Renato repeated. "It is not safe for you."

Tristan glared at him, his eyes dark. He tried to shove Renato out of the way but the vampire had him beat by means of strength and easily knocked him to the ground.

It didn't feel like Renato was trying to showcase his strength; it was more of a nudge to get Tristan off of him, but that didn't stop the human from falling to the ground and memories of his father towering over him plagued his mind.

He covered his face and braced for the impact, his eyes tearing up. He didn't know what this vampire wanted from him and he sure as hell didn't trust him.

Renato was confused by his reaction and knelt down, trying to pull Tristan's hands away from his face, but he only got and scared scream in response.

"Don't touch me!" Tristan shrieked, trying to kick Renato away but the vampire was able to grab his ankles and stop him from kicking.

Of course, that only sent Tristan into a worse form of panic as he struggled to escape. He wanted Winston; Winston always knew how to calm him down and cuddled him in the closet when he was afraid. This crazy vampire didn't know how to calm him down and sure as hell wouldn't be able to comfort him.

"What is wrong?" Renato asked, letting go of Tristan altogether when he saw how panicked the boy was. "Why are you afraid?"

"Don't ever touch me again!" Tristan yelled, scooting away and trying to get to a safer place, but he didn't find one.

Renato was shocked by his attitude. "I did not do anything to you," he said, sitting beside Tristan. "I am trying to comfort you, human boy."

"I have a fucking name, you prick."

"You never told me your name, young one."

Tristan rolled his eyes, trying to be strong despite his tears and how shaky he was feeling.
"Because you don't deserve to know my name. I don't know what you want from me, but just know I'll withstand whatever torture you put me through. I've done it before and I'll do it again!" he exclaimed, wiping his eyes and nose.

Renato stepped away, his eyes wide in horror. "I would never torture you!" he said, the words disgusting to him. "I merely want to study your gifts and understand why psychics and mediums hold different gifts!"

"Wait... you're not a crazy rapist?" Tristan asked, wondering why someone that seemed kind would be on the same side as Roman and hate the demons.

Shaking his head, Renato held his hand out to help Tristan up. "I am different than my fellow vampires, human boy. I don't take pleasure in controlling others. My enjoyment derives from understanding all species and how their minds work based on their gifts," he explained as Tristan took his hand with reluctance. "I apologize that those demons have made you fear others."

Tristan was taken aback. "The demons didn't make me fear anyone!" he said, shocked that those words would leave Renato's mouth. "I'm in love with one of them and the others are my friends! They're my family and you and Roman are tearing that family apart!"

Renato's eyes widened. "No, I didn't! Roman said that they stole his soulmate from him and imprisoned him! He also said that you were held there against your will and that I could study your medium gifts if I helped to free you!" he said, looking caught between horror and confusion.

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