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Winston was pacing his and Tristan's room angrily, his eyes itchy from crying so much. He'd almost destroyed the whole room except for the closet bedroom where he piled Tristan's favorite things and blankets, almost as a shrine for his missing baby.

He was tired of waiting and wanted to track down the evil vampire that stole his soulmate away. Even if he'd never met this vampire, Winston was convinced that he was the same evil that Roman was, and the fact that they were using his baby as some kind of toy to trade and use.

A knock at his door made Winston pause in his pacing. "Who is it?" he asked in a bitter tone, not caring if it was Alastor or someone who would scold him.

He missed Tristan too much to care about his tone.

Paxton entered the room with Winston's cell phone in his hand. "You left your phone out there," he said, handing it to Winston. "You have a caller."

"Does it look like I give a fuck?!"

"Well, yeah, since it's your soulmate calling you," he said, and that made Winston snap to attention and lift the phone to his ear.

"Tristan?! Is that really you?!" he asked, and he heard a soft laugh over the phone.

Tristan's smile was obvious in his voice. "You sound like shit," he said, his joy obvious in his tone. "I'm okay, Winston. You don't have to worry."

Winston felt himself break down again, tears pouring from his eyes. "I'm so sorry," he said, sniffing and trying to calm himself down. "I'm so sorry that I didn't stay with you to protect you. Baby, I need to know where you are."

"I'm in Italy. We were taken but the vampire that took us is a good person that was tricked by Roman, but we're all safe now," Tristan said, hoping to calm Winston down. "I'm going to text you where it is so that Alastor can get you guys here for dinner."

Winston took a deep breath. "So Roman is gone?"

"He's in a cell."

"Good," Winston said, wiping his eyes. "They didn't hurt you?"

Tristan smiled, knowing that his soulmate truly cared about him. "No, no one hurt me. Kayden is a bit shaken up, but we're all okay."

"Text me the address so I can get to you, baby," Winston ordered and Tristan agreed.

"I will as soon as I hang up. I'll see you soon, okay?"

Winston didn't want to stop listening to Tristan's voice, but he'd prefer to have his baby in his arms, so he agreed. "Okay," he whispered.

Winston was so used to being the strong one in their relationship, being the one that Tristan could lean on and trust. However, right now, he was the weak one and wanted to be held and loved by Tristan. He just wanted to be able to be weak and rely one someone.

"It's okay, Winston," Paxton said, taking his phone once Winston had tearfully told his story. "I'll talk to Master Alastor and the others. Why don't you pack a bag for Tristan so he can have some fresh clothes? I'm sure he'd appreciate that."

Winston coughed and blew his nose with the tissues that he kept on his night stand in case Tristan woke up from a nightmare and was crying. He managed to smile at his friend, his eyes red and puffy.

"For being the one who says they can't have a soulmate because they're not good to others, you sure know when to be nice and you care deeply for our soulmates," Winston said, going to the wardrobe and pulling out some of Tristan's favorite clothes and putting an array in his bag so Tristan could pick.

Paxton shrugged. "I'm good to all of the soulmates because they need protection and I don't have to care for them all day every day," he said, looking at the incoming text from a random number that held an address and an image of the mansion that their friends were being kept. "I'm not good soulmate material. I'm too self absorbed and I know I'm better than most people so I'd just be disappointed."

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