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When Winston woke up the morning after their first time making love to each other, he expected to wake up with his baby and cuddle him before the two would get up and have a cute picnic breakfast in the garden. Their relationship was budding and it was beautiful, but Winston didn't get the morning he wanted.

Instead he was woken up by Paxton, and he would've snarled if he didn't catch the concerned look on his friend's face.

"We found a hint of where Roman may be keeping Alvis," Paxton said in a soft voice, glancing down at the still sleeping Tristan. "We're all going except Lexi so he can keep an eye on Simon, Tristan, and Kayden."

Winston sighed, wishing Lexi was going so he could stay with his soulmate, but he knew that he was one of the strongest and would be valuable if they battled with vampires. He pressed a chaste kiss to Tristan's cheek, his heart warming when Tristan smiled in his sleep.

"I'll get dressed," Winston said, moving his pillow so that Tristan could hold onto it and not wake up. "Never come into our closet sanctuary again without knocking."

Paxton rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, I don't want to go into your secret sex room," he said, smelling the air and wrinkling his nose. "Nasty."

"You're just mad you haven't found your soulmate to have sex with."

That made Paxton huff. "I don't want a soulmate. I'm not good for another person. I'm too self centered and wouldn't be able to care for someone who's going to be a whiny asshole."

"Alright, alright, calm down big boy," Winston said, dressing himself and closing the closet door quietly so that Tristan would be covered by the darkness. "Don't wake up my baby."

"I think that human is rubbing off on you."

"That's not the only thing he's been rubbing."

Paxton fake gagged. "Gross," he said as they met everyone else in the dining area where they were waiting for Alastor.

Kayden was clinging onto Simon, exhaustion clear on his face. "Don't leave me," he pleaded, his tiredness making him clingy.

"Go lay with Levi," Simon said, but Kayden just kept holding onto him. "Can you guys wait up for a few seconds? He gets grabby when he's tired."

"No shit," Greyson mumbled, making Elijah flick his ear. "Ow!"

Elijah glared at him. "Don't judge them! They're in love!" he exclaimed, watching Simon carry Kayden away.

"So are we and Levi is in love with us, but he's not clinging onto us," Greyson said.

"Well, Levi loves sleep more than he loves us," Elijah pointed out, and Greyson nodded in agreement. "I wish he was clinging onto us right now, but he just curled up into the blankets and waved to us."

Winston snickered. "Tristan would tell me to fuck off and stop disturbing his sleep," he said, thinking about how moody Tristan could get when he was tired.

"You're looking real relaxed this morning," Greyson said, turning his attention to Winston and wiggling his eyebrows. "Wanna tell us about anything?"

"Nope!" Winston responded, making Elijah groan in disappointment. "I'm going to keep the details of our kinky sex to myself."

Elijah glanced at Greyson and saw the latter narrowing his eyes. "You guys totally have a daddy kink, right?" he asked.

Winston looked at the pair. "You two have a bet going, don't you?" he asked, knowing that they wouldn't be able to resist.


Biting his lip, Winston nodded and Elijah cheered.

"You owe me twenty dollars, babe!" he exclaimed, kissing Greyson's cheek.

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