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"Get up, T," Winston purred, kissing his beautiful soulmate awake.

Tristan covered Winston's mouth with his hand. "Fuck off," he said, making Winston poke his nose repeatedly until he had to pull his hand away so Tristan wouldn't bite him. "I'm going to eat your fingers if you don't stop fucking poking me."

Winston took advantage of the fact that Tristan was laying on his stomach with his face in the pillow and sat on the back of his thighs. He lowered himself so he was laying down completely on Tristan and kissed the back of his neck.

"You're crushing me!" Tristan snapped, ignoring the sweet kisses that Winston continued to press on his neck. "Go away, I'm tired!"

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Winston said, tracing his hands down Tristan's sides, but he didn't get any reaction from the human. "Our friends are here along with Darius and his two boys."

Tristan groaned. "I don't care," he said, grabbing the pillow and pulling it over his head. "I just want to sleep."

"What's got you so tired?"

"I don't know but I don't care. I just want to sleep, so leave me the hell alone!"

Winston sighed. He didn't know what was up with Tristan this morning, but he didn't want to bother and upset his boy even further. He knew that Tristan fell into noods sometimes and wanted to be left alone, but usually there was a reason behind it.

"Is there a reason you're in a mood?" Winston asked softly, climbing off of Tristan and sitting back on the bed against the headboard.


"That wasn't convincing."

Tristan looked up at him with a glare. "Fuck you."

"Yep, something is definitely wrong," Winston said, standing up and carrying Tristan out of the bed with him, the latter whining in anger and annoyance.

The demon set him down in the closet, since it was still Tristan's safe place, and watched as his soulmate scrambled to the back of it and burrowed himself in his pile of blankets and pillows in the corner. Winston joined him seconds later and sat down beside him, rubbing Tristan's back.

"What's wrong, T?"

Tristan sighed, turning toward the wall. "Can I not just be upset?" he asked, shutting his eyes and getting comfortable in his safe spot.

"You can, but I want to know what caused it. I know you, and it's never just sadness for no reason. You don't like wasting your time being upset for no reason."

Taking a deep breath, Tristan sat up. "I lied to you and I feel like shit, but I know if I told you that you'd do something and I don't want you to feel guilty!"

"What did you lie about?" Winston asked, trying to think back to something major that Tristan could have lied about.

Maybe he was actually straight.

"It's my birthday," Tristan said, tears leaking from his eyes. "And I didn't tell you because I hate my birthday since my dad always said I was a waste of life and made sure that I knew it on my birthday. He had it on the calendar just so he could remind himself that he needed to hate me even more that day. So, every year I'm upset in my birthday and it didn't even register in my mind that it was today until I woke up really early this morning and saw the date on my phone."

That hit Winston right in the gut; of course his soulmate would hate his birthday! His parents certainly would've never done anything for it, and it was common knowledge that Tristan loathed anything that tied him to his past, and that included his birthday.

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