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"I thought you two weren't joining?" Alastor asked, eyeing Tristan up and down as they entered through the portal. "Most of the high ranking demons are in private rooms right now."

Winston wrapped a possessive arm around Tristan, the aura of sex making his demonic side want to keep his soulmate away from the Master's eyes. He didn't like to admit it, but he could be possessive and aggressive in his demon form.

Tristan just hadn't see that side yet.

"We're here because I just had a conversation with a ghost and want to know how that's possible," Tristan said, before giving a mock gasp and bowing. "Sorry, your majesty. Forgot to bow."

Alastor's eyes only held confusion and bewilderment. "I can't tell if that was a joke or not."

"I'm being serious," Tristan said, forcing himself not to laugh for some stupid reason. "His name is Indigo and he said to ask you how this is possible."

"Indigo?" Alastor asked, even more surprised by the mentioning of the deceased shifter's name. "Let's go to my office."

Tristan really liked Alastor's office. It was big and the walls were dark and made of wood. He had a large desk, a fireplace, and there was a staircase that lead to a different room.

"It looks like Dumbledore's office from Harry Potter," Tristan said in astonishment, waiting for Winston to sit down so he could sit on his lap.

He quite literally jumped into Winston's lap, making the demon groan and wrap his arms around Tristan's front, interlocking his fingers so Tristan wouldn't somehow fall off.

Alastor knelt down and brought out a glass of honey colored liquid, pouring three glasses for the two guests.

"Um, what is this?" Tristan asked, looking at the drunk with suspicion in his eyes.

"It's similar to cream soda but without the carbonation," Alastor responded. "It's nonalcoholic, don't worry."

Tristan sighed. "Damn, I was hoping to get fucked up during this very serious meeting," he mumbled, letting out a high pitched gasp when Winston grabbed his thigh.

"Don't be upset with him," Alastor laughed. "You know that the human soulmates are allowed to act as they please around me. You, however, are expected to respect me."

Winston sighed but nodded. "Yes sir," he grumbled as Tristan hopped up and waltzed over to Alastor and threw an arm around the Master demon's shoulders.

"It's funny how you act all bossy and in charge while we're at home, but here you act like a puppy and listen to all of Alastor's rules," Tristan said, a cocky grin on his face.

He wanted to know why he could talk to ghosts, obviously, but he also wanted to see how far he could push Winston. Part of him wanted his first punishment in their evolving relationship, just to know what it felt like and see how much it would turn him on.

Tristan could tell the same thought process was bubbling in Winston's eyes as well, if his red eyes and scowl had anything to say about it.

"I feel like I'm disturbing something here," Alastor grumbled. "Did you come here for answers or just to eye fuck each other?"

"Why not both?" Tristan asked, skipping back over to Winston and setting his own drink on Alastor's desk so he could climb into his soulmate's lap. "You're pretty tense, Winston. What's up?"

Winston narrowed his eyes. "You'll find out when we get home," he growled, finishing his own drink and leaning forward to set the cup on the desk, almost knocking Tristan off his lap in the process.

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