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Tristan, just like he had been for the past three weeks, was stuck inside. He was bored as hell, coloring in one of the many books that Paxton got for him. It was early in the morning and Winston was still asleep, and Tristan was laying on the floor on his stomach, scribbling along the flower design with a colored pencil.

It didn't look half bad.

Maybe he'd hang it on the mini fridge that Winston had in his room. Even though he liked the idea of having a place to keep food in his room, Tristan always found himself annoyed with the mini fridge.

He would be fine with the fridge if it wasn't full of alcohol. As a demon, Winston wasn't able to get drunk unless he drank a special alcohol that Alastor brewed in Hell, but he didn't have a lot of it and didn't like to waste it. He could feel a bit of a daze if he drank enough human alcohol, so that's what he usually went for.

Tristan hated it.

He hadn't opened up about his past at all, and he didn't plan on it anytime soon, but that didn't stop him from feeling scared and nauseous whenever Winston drank, which was surprisingly pretty often.

"Good morning," Winston said, yawning as he sat up, only wearing sweatpants.

Tristan continued to color. "I'd say good morning, but talking to people throws off my coloring and this is looking great," he said, lining the outside of a flower with a dark marker so it stood out.

Winston rolled his eyes. "Are you sure you're not just trying to avoid looking at my abs?" he asked, noticing the dusty rose color on Tristan's cheeks.

"I'm sure," Tristan said, though the blush didn't show signs of fading. "If I wanted you to fuck me I'd have done something by now."

"I'm shocked that you went a week without sex, let alone three!"

"Yup," Tristan muttered. "Three weeks of abstinence."

His face suddenly lit up and he dug through his bag, pulling out his phone. He hadn't used his phone much because he'd been saving its power for when he finally decided to call for help. He ignored Winston's questions and began to text Lace, knowing that Winston wouldn't approve of him calling someone.

"Who are you texting?"

"My friend from work."

Winston growled and grabbed the phone, looking at his messages. "What for?"

"Hey! That's my damn phone!" Tristan argued, trying to grab it from Winston's hand. "Give me my phone! You can keep me here all you want but you don't get to go through my shit!"

Winston wanted to throw Tristan's phone into the wall and shatter it, but he tried to remember Paxton tell him that he needed to gain his trust. He handed Tristan his phone back, taking a deep breath to calm down.

"My friend said she'd shave her head the week I managed to stay abstinent," Tristan said, almost in attempt to reassure Winston. "Don't worry, I won't tell her I was kidnapped by a demon."

Winston hummed. "You should also add that you don't have a job anymore, too," he said, and he wished he never spoke.

"What?" Tristan asked, his voice scary because it was so calm.

Winston had never been afraid of a human before, but Tristan was terrifying with how angry he was. "I may have contacted the airline and said you wouldn't be going back to work," he said, holding up his hands to protect himself from Tristan's potential physical attack. "It's better than getting in trouble for not going back!"

"Or you could just let me go to work! You're a demon! How the hell am I supposed to run away from you?! You probably have some creepy tracking bullshit that keeps me from escaping!" Tristan yelled, making Winston's eyes light up. "What the hell are you thinking, demon?"

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