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When Tristan woke up in his closet bed, he expected Winston to be cuddling him. His ass was sore and he wanted to be held by his demon, but Winston was nowhere to be found. He pouted and got up, leaving the comfy closet bed and going to the wardrobe to put on clothes.

Even though none of the demons cared if he walked around naked, Tristan knew that he'd be guaranteed a salty attitude from Winston if he showed himself off to everyone first thing in the morning, and it was Tristan's job to be upset since his soulmate left him alone in bed.

Unless Winston was making him food, the demon had no right to leave him alone. Especially the morning after they had sex for the first time.

Tristan pulled on one of Winston's sweatshirts and his own shorts before stomping out to the kitchen, looking around for Winston, but he didn't find him. In fact, he couldn't see any of the demons and they'd usually be up and hanging out around that time, especially because it was a Sunday and no one had work on Sunday except for the occasional office visit from Simon.

"Hello?" Tristan called, and he was soon joined in the kitchen by Kayden. "Where is everyone?"

Kayden looked embarrassed and nervous. "They think they found where Alvis is, so they're going to investigate," he said, glancing up at Tristan. "They've been gone for about an hour."

"I thought we weren't allowed to be alone," Tristan said, remembering how possessive and adamant Simon was about his soulmate not being alone.

"Lexi is here," Kayden said, looking down the hallway where Lexi resided. "And Levi is back but he's taking a shower."

"No," Levi's voice rang out as he walked down the hall with wet hair wearing a long sleeve shirt and shorts. "I'm here! Let's go bother Lex. I'm bored."

Tristan approached Levi slowly. "You look high as fuck," he said, referring to his reddened eyes.

Levi glared at him. "It's called being newly turned into a demon," he said, putting on a pair of sunglasses that he pulled from his pocket. "Stop bullying me."

"I was just pointing it out," Tristan said, feeling a little bad that he embarrassed the most innocent one of their little group. "It's a very nice shade of red. Like, just past the color of blood and shinier. Beautiful coloring."

That brought a smile to Levi's face and he took his glasses off. "Promise?" he asked, and Tristan nodded eagerly.

"Let's go bother Lexi," Tristan said, repeating Levi's words, and the two followed him, having not seen their friend for a while.

Lexi had been distant of late and hadn't really shown up for any of their big family dinners or group get togethers. He went to the celebration, but he was bitter the whole time and Kayden pointed out that he was pretty sure Lexi didn't even have sex, which was shocking since he was the sin of Lust.

Tristan tried to open Lexi's door, but it was locked, so he went back to the kitchen and found a bobby pin in their junk drawer and began to pick the lock.

"Isn't this intrusive?" Levi asked, but he didn't try to stop Tristan.

Kayden shook his head. "Lex is supposed to be babysitting us, isn't he?" he asked as Tristan successfully got the lock undone and opened the door.

"Well, we know why he wasn't answering," Tristan said, gaping at the scene in front of them.

Lexi was on his back and being fucked by a man much bigger than himself whom Tristan definitely recognized. As soon as the door opened, the man turned around and his eyes widened in shock.

"Tristan?!" Amari asked, pulling out of Lexi and covering his and Lexi's bodies with the sheet after climbing off of the smaller man. "Uh... what are you doing here?"

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