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"He's human," was the first thing Darius said once he adjusted to Alastor's words.

Tristan glared at the demon, and he could almost feel Winston's mental pleading, begging him not to fight with a literal demon.

"Yes, but we believe he has supernatural blood. He spoke with Indigo and was asked to come here and find out why. We think that Indigo has unfinished business and needs the assistance of a psychic," Alastor explained, and one of Darius' companions, the one called Alvis, began to bounce on the balls of his feet.

"Can we please go to the mansion, Darius?" he asked, tears in his eyes. "If Indigo can communicate with Winston's human, maybe he could speak with him for us! I want to talk to him!"

Darius sighed, knowing how upset his companions had been and still were over the death of one of their own. "If it's okay with Winston," he said, and Winston agreed in seconds.

"But we won't be talking with him until tomorrow," Winston said, rubbing Tristan's back since the human was still sore from the spanking. "He needs to rest."

Venus agreed but Alvis groaned in annoyance.

"I've been dealing with grief for over a year and you're telling me that he's too tired to relay words?!" Alvis asked, only for Darius to cup his chin harshly and force eye contact, making Alvis cower under his intense gaze.

"Do not show him that disrespect, young man," Darius scolded in a terrifying tone that made Tristan tense up and curl into Winston. "He is offering to help us communicate with someone we lost, and you are not going to be rude to him. Now zip it or you'll face whatever consequence I come up with."

Tristan shot Alvis a cocky grin, receiving an angry glare in response.

"When can we go?" Venus asked, shyly leaning into Darius' side.

Winston lifted Tristan off his lap and set him down. "We can head there now and you can use a guest room. If you're not done with the celebration I'm sure the others will be fine with your returning with them tomorrow," he said, gently squeezing the back of Tristan's neck when he saw his soulmate stick his tongue out at Alvis to tease the angry shifter.

"Lay off, douche bag!" Tristan snapped, pushing Winston's hand away, still teasing Alvis. "I'm not the one with the bitchy attitude."

"No, but you don't need to provoke him."

Tristan sighed but stopped his quiet teasing, leaning into Winston's side.

"We can join you all tomorrow along with the others who live with you," Darius said, taking his companions away. "I don't trust these two not to try to wake Tristan up and get him to find Indigo's spirit so they can try to speak with him."

Venus blushed and Alvis groaned in annoyance.

Winston had never seen Alvis show any emotion except for happiness and respect for his master, but it was clear he was feeling impatient. After all, before he died, Indigo and Alvis had been a dynamic duo and had loved each other very much.

"Alvis!" Darius snarled, grabbing the back of his shifter's neck and glaring at him, his dark eyes flashing a red color, duller than when Winston's eyes flashed color, but red nonetheless. "Knock it off or our celebration scene will turn into a punishment scene and Venus can stay with Alastor and have a good time!"

Alvis let out a dramatic sigh and his shoulders slumped as Darius pulled him from the room by the back of his neck, grabbing Venus' hand with his unoccupied one.

"Let's go home, T," Winston said, but Tristan didn't make a move to get up. "T?"

Tristan bit his bottom lip. "Well... maybe we can just stay here. And take part in the celebration?" he asked hopefully, but Winston shut him down.

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