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This is the final chapter !

You still have Paxton and Lexi's books to look forward to, but they will (probably) be short stories !

Next I'll be writing a spin off from my first ever book, "The Omega's Savior" if you're interested in that, and if not, I'll probably start my next book in this Seven Sins Series in November sometime :))

Thank you all for reading, love you lots!!!


"T, stop it or I'll leave you in Italy," Winston threatened as Tristan 'accidentally' brushed his ass against Winston's crotch for the fourth time in an hour.

"Win win," Tristan responded, standing on his tip toes to kiss Winston's cheek and grinding against his soulmate's front once again.

Winston huffed and smacked Tristan's ass, then he pushed his soulmate away from him so Tristan stopped trying (and succeeding) to make him hard.

"I actually have been wondering about something lately," Tristan said, grabbing Winston's shoulders and hopping into his arms.

Winston raised an eyebrow. "Do tell," he said, sensing from Tristan's voice that it was something pretty important.

"I'm curious... about immortality," he said, dropping his voice to a whisper so that the people passing wouldn't hear him, not that it would matter because they were Italian anyway. "Like... would I stay how I am forever?How I look and all that?"

"That's a conversation we need to have with Alastor," Winston said, kissing Tristan's neck as they walked between the market stalls. "We can summon him when we get back, but this is something you should think about because it's irreversible."

"Well no shit," Tristan said as Winston carried him to a quiet spot between two buildings so they could actually hear each other. "Aren't I meant to be with you?"

Winston hummed. "I guess that's true," he said, pushing Tristan against the building and kissing his lips. "Is there something else you wanted to talk about? It looks like something is on your mind."

Tristan bit his bottom lip. "I don't think you'd approve of what I gave to say," he said in a soft voice.

His mind, for the time since he'd seen his parents and their child, his replacement, Tristan had been hurt and he wanted to get even. He didn't want them dead, but he couldn't help the evil feeling bubbling up inside of him.

He wanted revenge on the people who hurt him and replaced him.

"I won't know unless you tell me, baby," Winston said, using the soft pet name to show Tristan that he'd support whatever he had to say.

Tristan sighed. "I feel like I'm a bad person for it," he whispered, not making eye contact with Winston. "But I want to get even with my parents. Not like, hurting them physically, but I want revenge for what they did to me and I don't know why..." He trailed off and blinked to keep from crying. "I'm a bad person."

"No, you're not," Winston said, setting Tristan on the ground and hugging him tight. "You're my soulmate and I love you more than anything. If you want revenge, I'll take care of it."

"You won't hurt them physically, right?" Tristan asked, not wanting physical pain to be their punishment.

It wasn't even about mercy... he just wanted them to feel the pain he'd felt. And he wanted it to last. Physical pain was temporary.

"No, I'll make sure to hit them where it hurts," Winston promised.

They walked back to Renato's mansion hand in hand and said they had to go, stating they were going to Hell to speak with Alastor.

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