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Winston made sure to leave a blindfold off of Tristan's face once he'd gotten him into the car. He wanted his rebellious soulmate to know who'd taken him; in a way it made him feel like he was getting revenge on Tristan for sleeping with his opponent.

The poor human didn't even know he was a pawn in Tristan's plan, and Tristan didn't know that Winston didn't let go of grudges easily.

Tristan tried to speak through the gag, kicking the back of the driver's seat.

Paxton, the sin of Pride, was driving, and he gave Winston a deadly look. "Winston, if you don't make this child stop kicking me, I will cause a car accident and kill him," he said, glaring in the rear view mirror at Tristan as the human rolled his eyes.

"He's a bit of a hothead," Winston muttered, grabbing both of Tristan's feet and turning him so he wasn't able to kick the seat. "Knock it off."

Tristan's eyes widened and he tried to yell, but the gag stopped him.

Winston knew the boy was trying to curse him out, but he didn't really care. His soulmate was a human; what would he be able to do?

Humans were all talk and Tristan was no exception.

"Don't tell the rest of the group I found him," Winston said, holding both of Tristan's ankles in one hand. "They've got enough to deal with and I want him to be a little less... aggressive when they meet him."

Paxton scoffed. "Winston, you kidnapped him and are bringing him somewhere new," he said, knowing that Tristan was probably terrified and confused at the same time.


Tristan managed to squirm his leg out of Winston's grasp and kicked his arm. He almost felt satisfied with the kick until Winston laughed.

"Was that supposed to hurt?"

"I can't fucking talk, you stale donut," Tristan thought as Winston grabbed his ankles again, this time tighter as he continued to talk to Paxton.

"Maybe you should have lead with asking him on a date," Paxton said, glancing back at the angry human. "That's what E and Greyson did, and so did Simon, and they are all going steady."

Winston let out a deep sigh. "I tried, but he didn't want to go for it."

Tristan nearly screamed through the gag, to the point where Winston was surprised it hadn't fallen off from his attempts to yell.

"Let him talk," Paxton said. "I want to hear his side of it."

Winston shot Tristan a glare, which he got right back, as he took off the gag. Before he could move his hand, Tristan bit down on his hand, making Winston shout in surprise.

"Great, now I have to bleach my mouth," Tristan said, spitting on the floor of the car. "But you deserved that."

Winston's face had murderous intent written all over it, but it didn't faze Tristan.

"And, whoever you are-"


Tristan huffed. "That wasn't an invitation to tell me your name, but whatever," he grumbled, still tugging at the bonds behind his back. "Anyway, this asshole did not ask me on a date, he was trying to get into my pants. Then, he called me a whore and tried to act like he had the right to tell me what to do, stole my wallet, happened to be a passenger on the plane I was working on and threatened to lose me my job, and if that wasn't bad enough, he then decided to say that at least I still had the experience to be a prostitute!"

"You splashed me with a drink!" Winston argued.

"And I'd do it again!" Tristan responded, trying to kick Winston once again. "It was well deserved!"

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