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Tristan woke up early morning that Winston was meant to return, turning off the alarm on his brand new phone. He'd send a text to Amari as soon as he received and set up the phone, making up a story about him meeting someone that he was attracted to and claimed he had one of his panic attacks because he was scared to let himself trust someone.

Amari hadn't seemed completely convinced, especially with how distressed Tristan had been, but Tristan promised that he was alright and said that he'd quit working at the airline so he didn't have to leave the man that he was starting to fall for.

A lot of that was a lie; Tristan didn't feel like he was falling for Winston, but from what he'd been told by the other demons, he didn't hate Winston either. That, and he knew running away wouldn't work because Winston would track him down and drag him back anyway, so he might as well tell Amari he was alright so his friend wasn't too scared.

"What're you doing up so early?" Simon asked, sitting in one of the rocking chairs with Kayden asleep on his lap. "It's barely eight."

Tristan huffed. "Winston is coming back and I want to be the first to bitch him out for leaving me," he said, trying to keep himself from blushing despite the warmth he felt covering his face. "Why are you two on a chair instead of a bed?"

"I wanted to watch the news and it's better on the big screen," Simon said, nodding at the screen.

"Did you make any food?" Tristan asked, looking around the kitchen.

Simon shook his head. "I don't eat until later."

"What about Kayden?"

Simon suddenly looked uncomfortable and protective as he rubbed Kayden's back. "He doesn't like to eat really early," he said, kissing the crown of Kayden's head. "Text Winston if you don't feel like making anything. Paxton is picking him up so he's not in an Uber or Lyft."

Tristan hopped up on one of the bar stools.

Me: get me food pls

Kidnapper w/ anger issues: there's food at home???

Me: but i don't want food at home :(

Kidnapper w/ anger issues: ... what do you want?

Me: donuts :)))

Me: the good kind, not the gross ones from like winco or fred meyers

Kidnapper w/ anger issues: dunkin or krispy kreme?

Me: yes

Kidnapper w/ anger issues: ... see you in a half an hour or so

Me: yay! (excited for the donuts, not u)

Tristan put his phone down with a grin on his face. He caught Simon's eye and saw the demon roll his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," Tristan snapped, turning around in his seat. "Your eyes will get stuck there."

Simon chuckled. "I just find you funny," he said, eyes widening as he readjusted when Kayden whimpered and squirmed in his lap. "I assume Winston said yes to getting you breakfast."

"Yes, and you don't get any."

"Ouch," Simon said, lifting Kayden up and cradling his soulmate in his arms and moving him to the couch. "What about Kayden?"

Tristan shrugged. "He's human, so he's on my side," he said, feeling a pang of longing when Kayden tried to grab for Simon when he was set down and the demon quickly picking him back up and setting Kayden back on his lap. "Were you getting up because you need something?"

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